I do....(unless I want to drink a cup of coffee on my way into work...) That's why I'm putting off trading in the truck for a gas sipper.... If I had a crazy long commute into work, then $5 gas might illuminate the 'change-owner' light for me. That's why I keep semi-track of Prius prices.....but honestly, if I had to buy a car today...I'd have to take a very close look at TCO, and the Aichi Iron Works is working hard to warp the numbers away from Prius ownership....at least for me...for now. A year from now????? Who knows? Getting back on topic.....if you already have a G3, then this might be a really REALLY good time to keep it for a while. Ergonomic and other small issues notwithstanding, the G3 should last for quite a long time. The drive train seems to be first rate, and in the short term, I think gas prices will assist people to want to keep this car for a loooooong time.
Three years and 36k miles. Our Prius is kept inside, is washed and waxed regularly, has the oil changed every 5k miles and tire rotated. It will be a very nice used car for someone in 2013 when we lease our next one. Probably a Prius plug-in. Bo
My wife's car is the "indoor" car. I have to park mine on the street or driveway. Probably 4 or 5 years, but given how everyone is hybridding their models, I might get an Avalon hybrid, an ES 350h? hybrid, or a MKS hybrid. Now that would be nice. The MKZ/Fusion is already a nice choice, but I want to see how they age. Hybrids always make sense for me since I commute 40 miles each way at least 3 days a week and do one or two long road trips per year.
My son still has the 1999 Corolla that we replaced with a 2009 Corolla... (Prius in short supply due to gas over 4.00). Bought my 2010 Pirus in May 2010 and hope to keep it for at least 8 years...
I had a Ford Escort for about 9.5 years and put 160,000 and sold it when I didn't like some of the constant repairs. I then bought a Ford Focus wagon. In 10 years, I put 205,000 miles. It was totaled in an accident when a guy ran a stop sign. It still had a lot more miles to go before the accident. My 2010 is just a year old with 24,000 on it. I hope to keep it for at least ten years. The mileage is one of the reasons I bought it. I think it will still have value in ten years. It is possible this is my last car.
I'd like to keep my Prius for at least 200K miles, but would trade sooner if technology could at a minimum double my MPGs, or the equiv in electric. At 63, my Prius may outlive me. I kept my last car for 12 years and 200K. I donated the car to the Habitat for Humanity resell store. The car needed a heater core and the transmission occasionaly slipped, but they were happy to have it.
My first grandchild hits college in about 8 years, and if he needs wheels........it would be a good excuse for a new one for me, unless I'm in a rest home.
Well - for me in Europe it is more time than km travelled that makes the difference. If my Polo did not drag me to the mechanic every year to spend 700€ extra for repairs, I would probably still own it. Essentially the key decision point is the overall TCO. Even if a much higher FE HSD car, say a Yaris, or the Prius C, come out - the purchase price will surely play a big role. Then on top of that: repairs, tires (winter and summer), insurance, road tax, highway toll in Austria and Italy (where I travel to relatively often) and who knows what the German government has in the plans for extra taxes on top of what we already pay (more than 60% of fuel price is tax - we pay 8.71$/gal as I write). This is also why I am keeping track of *all* expenses I am doing on it and calculated an expected cost per km driven over a prospected ownership of 7 years (that's how long I kept the Polo - so I use this timeframe also as a comparison). So - I might keep it 5 years, 7 years, 10 years?? who knows - but surely, I will not be able to change it after 3 years when the warranty is over (yes, in EU you have 3 years/100.000km for everything, and 5 years on the HSD...welcome in EU) - that would be a real loss of money and totally non-sensical from an economic point of view. Unless I win at the lottery. It also depends on how much it would cost to use in comparison to other means of transportation, vs flexibility of travel, fixed costs that are there whether I use it or not, etc.etc.etc.
Probably about 5 years which will be a bit over 100K miles, unless someone makes me an offer I can't refuse. Of course it's possible I'll get really fed up with all the rattles and sell it sooner. But other than interior rattles it's a good car, it drives nicely and should be dependable.
I plan to keep our 08 until Saturday when we take delivery on our 2011 FEHL. The 08 has 120,000 miles on it, but we've never had to repair anything on it. I had no worries about reliability and that did not induce the trade. I drive 6 miles one way to work now, versus 40 before, and need something that can pull a heavier trailer than our 2010. It will make an excellent car for someone.
First car: 10 years. Second car: 15 years. Current car: should be 20 years if the sequence is consistent. (given I got it at 4 years old, perhaps 16 more years).
We have a Gen II, but we'll probably be keeping it until it's time to retire it... So, another 220,000 miles, best guess.
Forever, probably, though I'm sure Toyota would prefer we were already driving our third Prius. We've always bought used cars before, and kept them long past their 'best before' dates. More than one lifeless carcass has been hauled away over the years, but I don't see that happening with this one. It's seven years old now, with only 60,000 km, so it should be good for awhile yet. If and when the repair costs become prohibitive, we'll look at something else. Even then, I could stick it in the basement and re-purpose it as a gaming console. Or maybe even park it in the back yard and turn it into a chicken coop or a rabbit hutch.
Unitl I tire of it or there is something better that I want out there. In other words, I will be driving it for a long time.