Because you're the one doing this it probably seems simple and self-evident to you. But to an outsider this is a pretty complex series of procedures and readings, and the results on this spreadsheet are not self-evident as to what reconditioning has actually improved. Although your success (140k miles, etc) speaks for itself. It would be highly unlikely that anyone would just "stumble upon" the procedures you use, so their results in terms of "success" would likely be not nearly as good, or maybe not even good at all (like a customer needing battery work 3 months after buying a "reconditioned" battery.) If you're interested in doing it, a column by column explanation of the effects of your procedures on any random module in the spreadsheet would be interesting, to say the least.
Mileage isn't an accurate measure of battery health... There's taxi cabs in New York City that have gotten 400K miles on the original hybrid battery because the vehicle rarely sits unused for more than an hour and that constant use keeps the batteries in good condition. Another example is my friend who owns a fleet of Toyota Hybrid Taxi Cabs out on here on the west coast and he spends a fortune at the Stealership to keep his fleet running and not once in a decade of owning this business has he ever needed a new hybrid battery. And that's with a stealership in charge of his fleet and they only replace rather than recondition. Contrast that with folks on PriusChat who own multiple Priuses that sit for multiple days unused and most of those folks got their new hybrid batteries for their Priuses for free because they consistently failed before the expiration of the warranty. As in the whole reason reconditioning works so well is because of more extreme charge/discharge of the pack, which if done properly can keep a pack going for a really long time.
Valid points. But: I, for one, can't/won't start driving like a taxi just to make my HV bat last longer. If I can get 100k+ miles out of the original bat, and then recondition it and get another 100k+ miles out of it, I regard that as an effective maintenance procedure. Agreed fully, the miles don't hammer the modules, the pattern of use does. My cars sit for days, weeks, months so they are prime candidates for HV bat issues. They are all far out of warranty so no free bats for me ;-) So I'm happy to find a practical solution to that (self caused) issue, even/especially if it needs/can be done at repeated intervals.
Battery packs seems to do pretty good on the shelf for a long time if your regularly charge and balance. It's when they're dormant in the vehicle at a not so great state of charge that things start following apart. So in your use scenario simply having two packs and swapping them out annually might be a good strategy.
Good idea, thanks. My experience with my Priuses has led me to believe they are highly complex and subject to multiple, some very costly, issues. My cars in Kauai - north shore, rains everyday, kept outside - exacerbates that dramatically as expected. My CA old Prius has 220k+ miles on it so as with any car many things start breaking. A solution to the HV bat issue though is a good start.
A nice hard to comprehend chart This is based on the zero state of charge resistance, which may mean nothing, as resistance at 50% SOC may be completely different Looking at the discharge voltages at 3 amp hours and grouping the mods into a bunch of resistance group, lowest resistance is Yellow Highest is Black (not really, DASHED LINE RED is higher than black, ran out of colors) One would assume highest resistance would have lowest volts and vice versa. Assume lol. discharge was from 90% soc
no not yet, but i am examining the curve on these, and will post more when i know, all 28 cant possibly be "defective". so stay tuned, the test is ongoing now. March 2008 cells. IF they all show this weirdness, I have a source to get a few more to test. If nothing else, this shows why you need to graph, these would pass a capacity test (the ones I have tested since I posted, yet still show this curve deviation). Mixing these with 2004 2005 with a flatter line would be "interesting" in the cars diagnostics monitoring systems
Very, very good point. I was wondering if I could get away with not having graphing capable equipment. But this result takes care of that idea! I know I could search this long thread but if you can help me be lazy, please: do you have a device that gives a direct readout, graphable preferably, of capacity when discharging? Thanks. This is really, really interesting to see you go into this in such depth and detail! Thanks man!
GRAPHING there is a poor mans way that may provide a higher return on investment than buying a dedicated device cheap multimeter with serial port output, more cumbersome and steps, you open a terminal window in your pc and capture the data, then import into excel etc to make graphs, more work but for someone that wants graphs without a CBA unit, there is a possible solution. (there is a cheap unit 18 dollars if you buy 100 of them, it is 75 on amazon per unit, i think there may be cheaper alternatives) one could even make one themselves or find a MAKERS unit that has the capability to just read volts and report them up the serial port, i havent looked but it probably exists and is under 10 dollars. this is something that can be made to work as arduino can connect to your pc by default, hundreds of ways to do this for dollars (dang maybe i need to make an open source CBA using arduino and throw it out there in the public domain) How to Make a Simple Digital Voltmeter with an Arduino
Thanks. I wasn't necessarily looking for cheap. Because from following what you're doing pretty closely I don't see any extraneous steps or unnecessary capabilities. Trying to do it cheaper than you or with equipment which is not as capable as what you have seems to me a very false economy. If I am able, and equipped, to copy your process as exactly as I can I'll be more than satisfied, with no reason to take it further or try to do it cheaper. I'm by nature the cheapest guy out there, but I try to temper this with reality. And reality is that there is simply no way I'll experiment as you do - I'll just try to copy your process. Because it works! And for that everyone who reads this thread should be grateful. I sure am!!
oh i understand, i am speaking to the 12,000 that are reading this lol i am the person that used a car battery charger for years cause i had 6 of them , i am cheap i think you can make an interface to log voltages while charging discharging using ONLY the arduino and its usb to your computer. latest arduino is $8.83 (and the phone call, that interrupts my video, is my sister who uses a spoofed name on her phone, so i didnt answer her, and she was broke down in a prius at a 711, she finally got it home, and i found the brake lights are intermittently not coming on, which means you cant get it in ready mode lol ) now i have to fix that
In addition to wirelessly reading all the temps on all 28 modules and their voltage, and recording it for download over an intranet or the internet, I can also add the ability to balance the entire pack using this new design, i need to build it ) Oh, and I can add a SWELL ALERT SENSOR and ALARM lol If I did what I did to the honda insight, I can also get into the prius computers and start restricting the charge to protect the modules until the issue is dealt with. Pretty endless the things you can add that toyota should have done in the first place I can get the chips for under 2 bucks each
When I state, wait one hour before continuing with a 2 amp charge until end of charge, that is on a module you are just starting with and know nothing about, once it has been cycled at least once, I no longer pause, I change to 2 amps, and continue the charge. If you cycle them and they no longer take more Ah and/or, the capacity stops increasing, then it is complete, that's 3 to 5 cycle normally. Swelling and gassing are two different things, they are not related. Each can happen without the other. Gassing pressurization and venting are a chemical process and are minimally related to heat, swelling is a manual process and is directly related to heat, this is where the collector BETWEEN the neg and pos anode and cathode physically swells, and that can damage the module, there is a "band" around the assembly that can break, at which point layers of material connect short or disconnect from each other. Once the module is done and fully operational, if i need to to do further test or low end work at the 6 volt area, and that requires charge discharge, there is no reason to fully charge the module over and over and stress it out, just put in 6.5Ah (assuming a fairly good hi cap reconditioned module) and discharge from there and note the capacity, which should be approx 5.75 Ah, use that "Ah in" and "90% capacity" as the baseline going forward instead of the 8Ah in 6.5 Ah capacity, and you wont be stressing the module over and over as you "try different things"
I have become intrigued by what I see here, RED is the freshly worked 2004 and 2005 modules for my honda insight pack. The BLACK are the 28 modules (only odds 1 through 11 so far, charged discharged twice in a row past 48 hours) that I got from one car, all are in serial number series and original to the car. All the black display a similar discharge path, as do the reds, but they are quite different. The REDS have had the most work done to them, but all have been cycled the required number of times to 100% EOC. The BLACKS have not been worked down at the 6 volt level as the RED were. Even so, the curve the BLACKS display is not one I have seen so prevalent in one pack before. This graph was based on 90% charge not 100%. The far RED has 5.8 Ah at 90% charge. So, I am going to work on a few of these and see where they go with respect to that curve.
5 and 7 seem like the most stable, the others all seem to have issues, so I will go work 5 and 7 and see what happens.
Actually, I pulled my data and found that module 16 had proven to be the best of that 28 mod pack from one car, and I added it to the mix below, this blue line is mod 16 after several 100% charges, this is in fact a 100% discharge, being compared to 90% discharges, the odd volt curve was still present, so as for any more work I may do, forget 5 and 7, mod 16 is the one to focus on to see if this weird 2008 curve sticks. The blue line was sourced from below