I'm right behind you temperature-wise over here in Laughlin. Our summer temperatures almost always run just below you and 3-7*F above Vegas. We don't mind the heat too much since we're rarely outside at the hottest part of the day. Solar panels take care of the electric (electric bill has been $12 or $13 every month while keeping the house at 79-80*F). We can grocery shop at 6 am at either Smith's (Kroger) or Safeway. Sam's Club has special early hours for seniors on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I'm done with that by 8:30 when I go. We're just hoping the casinos, movie theaters and bowling alleys get safer to attend sometime in the next few years. I recently started playing golf again. Not only the courses allow me to bring my own ice chest with frozen drinks on the cart I get the whole course to myself if I tee off around 9 or 9:30. No one wants to play that late even though it's not 100* yet. I'm usually done with my round about noon if I'm alone, 1:30 if my friend from Bullhead City joins me. We're here for the way it fits our retirement.
We really enjoyed our couple weeks last year visiting my sister about an hour southeast of Tucson. She's between Cochise Stronghold and the Chiricahua Ntl Monument. Lots of beauty and some fascinating history. Just had to watch out for rattlesnakes (as opposed to rattlesnakes AND copperheads around here, ).