Well, GrumpyCabbie, forget the general public, here is a current U.S. Congressman complaining about $70.00 dollars to fill up his Hummer. The Congressman is not responsible for his choice of vehicle. Facebook Link! People have asked me before is there any area where I could praise President Obama? | Facebook
Appealing to the masses eh? 1, Why drive a vehicle capable of 5 mpg if you can't afford to fill it - howver much that may be. 2, How much does a congressman earn? 3, He's pictured stood next to a soldier. If he cares about soldiers he should drive a Prius or a Volt or a Ford Fiesta etc! I know it's never fair to compare citizens to their politicians but that guy sounds a tit. Yes, I would tell him to his face!
Thanks.. that was a hoot to read. I'm so used to the radical right bashing my car that I've not read a page were so many people bash a congresman for stupidity. I though the internet had become the dwellings of the bottom half -- in intelligence not income. When you think about how dumb the average american is, just remember nearly half of them are dumber than that! Gas in Colorado is still reasonable.. just broke above $3 at my local station. Not like it matters much to me, I've not bough any since back in October.
Awesome! The problem for the Volt is not the car itself, not the Prius or Prius Plug-in, but Politics like this. The Volt is one of the cars that can help to reduce oil consumption but we just are not that committed. Take a look how far some will take their Politics. Obama/Volt 2012 Parody commerial wants Chevy Volt to be Obama's running mate
drinnovation, go top off the fuel in your volt! i'm sorry, I didn't believe you so i checked the gas prices and sure enough, among lowest in nation... Big SUV and Pickup truck sales is a pet peeve of mine... And I love getting behind the people with 4 door pickup trucks. I don't see to many Hummers anymore. those are odd balll. I really like the people that are into e85 fuel, justifying their green suv getting 14MPG (highway)... And buying "American"...
Thanks but no thanks. I still have 1/3 of a tank left.. I want to make at least 3000 miles on this tank if I can. I'm at 2634.29 Miles so far and have 3 weeks of commuting before my next 120-150m airport run (which will probably kill this tank.) I could save a buck or so if I did a partial fill up before another 10-20c per gallon rise, but I think its its worth a buck to be able to say 3000 miles and ~5 months on a tank.
2k1Toaster, I wasn't waiting because I wanted to save money on fuel. I was waiting at the pump because I couldn't find an open station to fuel at. I had hit every exit for 30 miles and no gas stations were open. That Hummer that the Congressman is complaining about isn't exactly a high dollar vehicle. It costs less than a Chevrolet Volt. The H3 is a 5-cylinder, SUV. It is based upon the GMC Canyon platform. Pricewise, this vehicle was $33,000 to $41,000 when new. It got between 14 - 18 mpg. There is also a V-8 version but the Congressman's truck is not an Alpha.
...I have a concern that loss of refinery capacity is the threat to our national security more so than oil imports per se. If we start depending on imports of refinered products, then its game over. Right now apparently demand is down so the Eastcoast refineries are spare capacity and money losers due to Brent crude high prices. I hope it is not short sighted to close them due to short term pressures.
I expect gasoline to go to $20 gallon ($5 Liter). Read: $20 Per Gallon: How the Inevitable Rise in the Price of Gasoline Will Change Our Lives for the Better by Christopher Steiner (2010).
I'll admit it... I hope gas prices hit $5 or even higher this year. I'm sure glad I decided to drive a Prius.
^^ Last time around that gas was above $4, did your local news show any of the surveillance videos of thieves doing this?
anybody remember the 70's fuel shortage? 1. odd even days? 2. people stealing gas out of cars which led to the mad dash to get locking gas caps? 3. hijacking fuel trucks? 4. selling gas guzzlers for small imports? i'm sure 2 thru 4 will come back
Our local news sure did. When gas prices got high they had people using small boat sump pumps to extract fuel from the tanks. One brave idiot actually did it from a 24 hour station. He got away with it a few times until someone finally figured out what he was up to...
I went to Hong Kong a couple of years ago on vacation. Surprisingly, no one drives Priuses or any gas saving cars. People were driving cars that get poor gas mileage to begin with. Lots of fast sports cars that can't go anywhere fast. Furthermore, the traffic condition only lets the car get 50-80% of its rated mileage. Corolla gets only 15-20mpg. That's why public transportation is so successful and cheap in HK. The MTRs are electric and takes you anywhere and are expanding new routes. I GPSed the airport express and it clocked in at 80-100mph. Pretty impressive for a non high speed trail. All the buses, minibuses, taxis are either LPG or CNG. All you need is an Octopus card. It puts Google Wallet to shame.
I wasn't born yet for the 1st 70s oil crises but have vague memories of the flags and odd/even systems of the 2nd one. I remember when I was little, I remember my parents talking about believing someone had stolen gasoline out of their car parked outside. I don't know if it happened. On that note, feel free to discuss that crisis at http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-house-pancakes/90757-remembering-1973-oil-crisis.html.
I still see an insane number of monstrosity class SUVs in my area, including some that are current gen and some that look brand new. Some of them include extended length beasts like Escalades ESVs, Yukon XLs and Suburbans. The other day, I saw two Ford Excursions running around. I only was able to look inside one. It appeared to be driven solo. I saw at least two Hummer H2s running around the other day.
I'm probably the minority here, but I doubt it'll hit $5/gallon this summer. The current increase is being caused by refinery outages across the country, primarily in CA, but to a lesser extent in WA, TX, and someplace back east IIRC. 20% of padd 5 production is currently shuttered, as is a good percentage of padd 1 and padd 3, and the prices everywhere else reflect this. The way someone can tell it's gasoline refining related and not oil price related, besides the refineries in certain areas being shut down, is by looking at pricing for the entire country. If the price increase was oil related then the rockies, padd 4, would be higher, but they aren't because there's no easy way to get refined products from padd 4 to the rest of the country. That's why they are still at $3.10/gal or so, while the rest of the country is ~$3.45-$3.90/gallon. We can ship refined products from all the other padds, even the midwest (great lakes), to the west coast, so their prices are rising a bit too. Retail Prices for Regular Gasoline Once the idled refineries open back up in CA/WA, and to a lesser extent TX, gasoline prices will drop back towards a U.S. average of ~$3.40/gallon, barring some more significant increases in oil prices. The recent ~10% increase in oil prices has obviously played a part too, but for the most part it looks like refinery problems in the U.S. US Refinery Status: Valero Reports Benicia Unit Restart, Unit Trip