Its my name...and Im a very happy RE/MAX agent - You should also know that I am not great at picking son was named after his father and became Jr. and had two dogs that were "Brother and Sister", and named them that accordingly. Have a talking bird named Flathead because when i first got him as a baby, he had a little flat head with no feathers at all and every time I held him and fed him from a dropper, all I saw was his little flat head...thus Flathead... A bunch of women from our Church get together for breakfast once a month and all had nicknames given by the "Princess" of the group. They just named me"Statue of Liberty" because I tall, not a meek person and will stand up for what is right, at all times, as well as treat others warmly with an open heart. Had decided it was time to learn to "serve" and give back. Got involved with a mentorship program at a local school and visit with a ten year old once a week. It is so wonderful and very win-win. We both walk away from our hour together during the school day with a smile in our hearts. I thought it was pretty neat and it made me feel good to hear that.
We have 12 retired racing greyhounds and one race dog, so my life pretty much revolves around my greys. What can I say, I love them. Combine that with not being very imaginative to begin with and I end up with the obvious. On dog/greyhound boards I usually use something else.
cool. speaking of nicknames, what do y'all call your cars? anything? i typically don't, but my prius had the original nickname 'lunchbox'. however, my son's friend renamed it 'phantom'. he says that is due to the fact that when we drop him off after school, he turns around and we have silently slipped away.
There is a thread or two on the naming of Prius: Did you name your car? Did you give your Prius a name? Does your Prius have a name?
I have been a mentor for kids for 30 years... Sorry to hear you have been called that Sis... or heard someone called it often enough to remember. My friends and the kids I have fostered or mentored call me Junior to my face... Well... except for those two from Stockton... and unfortunately, one of them isn't around breathing air anymore because of the folks she ran with. Hmmmmm... how often are you called that Sis. op2: Not that it means anything to me and all... I's just wondering. :gossip: