I still have my 405hp truck with no emmision and dual Flowmasters my avatar pic. I kinda like the prius for not being loud. My truck helps the meed if get on a power trip
I just like this phrase. I think Toyota should consider adding another driving Mode to Prius, Normal, EV, ECO, POWER, and MELLOW.... I see Mellow Mode as an ECO like configuration that simultaneously forces your stereo to play easy listening hits. Perhaps Kenny G....or flute music.
Not here, I relax to everything from the '70's to today on my iPod. And I can still mellow out in my drives. Just not worrying about other folks on the road leads to the mellow state....
:amen: I would agree with Andy wholeheartedly on this one...and his previous post. Compared to an SUV, the V is an IndyCar. I'm coming from a WRX wagon...and it handled worlds better than the V (better tires, AWD, etc.). The fuel mileage I got from the WRX was 31 MPG on a trip from Mammoth to the LA area...made it in one tank. Granted, it was mostly downhill... Not sure how his friend is getting around 35 MPG, even if it's highway...unless he's got some perfect tune and is really easy on the pedal, but even then.... My driving style has changed dramatically, all for the better, I suppose. Like almost everyone else here, I try to better my MPG after each fill. It could be my competitive nature...<shrug>
The mail carriers who own their own vehicles & get a per mile allowance, don't hotrod their vehicles.
I have a V I bought it in November and my overall average between winter and spring is 46mpg. Sometimes if it is warmer and I drive in Power Mode on the freeway I get 50. A few weeks ago my family drove out to the ocean and my overall average was 50. I am consistently getting around 46 to 48mpg.
Oliviasmom and I are now married, so this week I got her a silver V 5! Will keep you posted on her mpg, so far she loves the car. PC36100 ? 2
If I drive like this (stop/go freeway, 100 stop signs/red lights) would eco mode be best? Or not enough power if other cars are around in city traffic?
Eco mode would give you fine control at low throttle, yes. Idle and full throttle is the same in all modes, it is the mid throttle positions that change
I can't stand eco mode during summer as it makes the air con weak. Once you know the behavior of the throttle, you can keep it in normal mode and drive power-ly or eco-ly. However, it is very hard to maintain EV mode, unless I am not applying throttle at all. Help from anyone?
In my 2009, I got 42 MPG in summer (and we have a summer) and 40 MPG in winter (and we are not known for our winters) and 48 MPG spring and fall.
My overall average is 47 mpg and I got my V last November. I have noticed since it got colder this week my car is averaging around 43 mpg.
Early on I learned to fly light planes, I spendt a few years racing sailboats and I've been bicycling "forever". What all those activities teach your is "extreme efficiency". So I tend to operate a car as it it where a plan, sailboat or bike. With all of those vehicles if you get into racing them is is all about operating efficiency. Even if the goal is to get home from work as soon as you can, getting to the red light first is "wrong". the fastest way home is to NEVER stop. Roll the car as 2miles per hour if you have to but the goal is ALWAYS to NEVER stop. To get home faster to want to be already moving when the light turns green. It is hard to do but most bicyclists learn the trick. The reason is not just to save gas. But to get home faster you need a greater average speed. Going from zero to 40MPH means your average is 20. But if you can get the green light at 10 MPH you gain agerage speed without having to break the 40MPH speed limit. So try not to stop, when you see the red light down the blaoc slow to (say) 10MPH and hope the light changes green just as you get to it. The dumbest driver mistake is to rush into a red light. The best thing is if you can hit the new green light as 15 miles per hour. Doing this I can many times almost beat cars with my bicycle, well at least for 1/2 a block. There are a few other tricks like this having to do with hills and corners but once you start thinking in terms of "average speed" you can start saving gas AND getting home faster.