OMG, you totally called it! My check cleared as of today's date. Now just get to wait for the actual stickers to make their sweet, sweet way to me.
My stickers are in. Application sent: February 7. Check cleared: February 27. Stickers received: March 6 Sticker number: HE050219. Now I have to figure out if I really want to uglify my new car with these ugly yellow stickers. has anyone come up with a good way to apply them temporarily and repeatedly only when I need to use them, which I expect will be fairly rarely?
OK, this is now to the point where I'm exactly one week behind your application submission date... and yet your check cleared exactly TWO weeks ago, and mine has not yet cleared.
Hold the phone! Check just cleared... uh... check just POSTED as cleared, but apparently cleared on 3/3/06. Darell's back in the game! Woo hoo! 02.14.06 bought car 02.14.06 sent HOV application 03.03.06 check cleared 03.10.06 stickers expected! (Do the stickers come from Sacramento?)
Nah - my check only cleared one week ago, so we are still in synch. And yes, the postmark on the envelope was Sacramento.
Oops. Somebody really needs to teach me how to count. Well, here's where I might beat you - I'm just 15 miles away from the Sacramento DMV offices. At this point in the game, I could probably just drive up there and request a replacement set.
I wish the DMV would cash my check already!!! I sent it 2/17 and it hasn't cleared yet. I need a sign that my application was received. -Adriano
Judging by all the other posted times, your check should be cashed any day now. My guess is Wednesday since yours was sent in three business days after mine was sent in, and mine was cashed on Friday last. (If I get this one right too, I'm buying a lottery ticket!)
i asked my 3M bra installer for some scrap pieces of the clear bra sticker. I applied the 3M sticker in my car, then put the sticker over them. Just in case someday i'd want to remove them--at least the stickers are not directly touching the paint.
02.9.06 Bought car. 02.11.06 Sent HOV application. 02.28.06 Check cashed. 03.6.06 Decals arrived. 510xx I'm putting the Xpel underneath my decals also, it just seems like it would be easier to remove Xpel, than it would be to remove the decal.
BAM! There they are! I told you living close to Sacramento was a bonus! Exactly three weeks from the day I mailed my application, the stickers arrived here. And I got a great number! #05XXXX! Kidding. 051516. Nobody better come stalk me now that I've posted this publicly! end of the week we'll be at 52000. This thing seems to be accelerating! I sure would have missed it big-time if they'd cut it off at 50k! Timeline: 02.14.06 bought car 02.14.06 sent HOV application 03.03.06 check cleared 03.07.06 15:17 stickers arrived! 03.07.06 15:18 stickers installed 03.07.06 15:25 Prius HOV page created.
Hell, if you look through the all the pictures on my site, you're bound to find one with my street address! I'm a risk-taker. What can I say? But I do have a big-nice person dog.
Some people have commented that their decal sticker number is on their cancelled check. Is this number printed or handwritten? I have my cancelled check and trying to find the decal number for the sticker that should have been sent to me.
There was a number that looked like it could be a decal number on my cancelled check, but it did not match. I wouldn't count on that.
DMV finally cashed my check! 02.13.06 Bought car. 02.17.06 Sent HOV application. 03.08.06 Check cashed. 03.xx.06 Stickers arrive?