Honestly insight is better than Prius C (Consumer Reports reviews)

Discussion in 'Honda/Acura Hybrids and EVs' started by Troy Heagy, May 29, 2014.

  1. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The Insight-2 is (was) an attempt to compete with the adult-sized Prius.
    They gave up a little efficiency for some real-world utility and cost concerns.
    The Insight was supposed to be an $18,000 alternative to the $24,000 Prius with a more or less 5 MPG efficiency delta.
    The idea shook Toyota up enough to squirt a little adrenaline in the development of the C-model, which retains the adult-sized car's MPG rating and gives the studio audience a less Priussy looking Prius with a slightly smaller price tag.

    Fortunately, or unfortunately.....
    It didn't work.
    I actually tinkered with the idea of getting one, and it IS a good car, but as goofy as the Prius up-sell schemes are?
    You still get some fairly 'essential luxuries' in the base models.
    The base Insight for example lacks a cruise control, something that is usually included in an $18,000 commuter car.

    You can blame it on this or that, but in the end the Insight-too failed in the marketplace for the same reason that it's parents did.
    They are (were) a niche car for a market that has a LOT of competition, and they just got edited out of the automotive gene pool.
    usnavystgc likes this.
  2. Troy Heagy

    Troy Heagy Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    2013 Prius
    Insight sales numbers were very high during 2010-12, because people liked the option of a sub-20,000 dollar hybrid. They dropped after the sub-20,000 dollar Prius Compact was introduced.

    If I had said, "John Wayland is a lousy guy," that would be a personal insult. But saying his website has flaws is not a personal insult. I am criticizing the inanimate object (it has flaws) not the human being (who I admire greatly).
    From the very first post, I have been comparing the Base models of the Insight and C (not the pricier models that come with LCDs).

    Anyway opinions are subjective but I think the Insight radio, air conditioning controls, and odometer displays (with holographic speedometer) are better & more modern compared to the C. You apparently prefer the retro 90s-style that lacks color. ;)

  3. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    The insight is not meant to compete with the Prius C. It is meant to compete with the Prius liftback. Toyota just released the C afterwards to thwart it, and it worked.

    The insight looks like a highschooler got hold of it and installed a $40 radio from an aftermarket shop.
  4. Troy Heagy

    Troy Heagy Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    2013 Prius
    Incorrect. The Civic Hybrid and Prius were already in direct competition (same price, about the same MPG, and same ecoscore at greenercars.org). They had been competing since 2002 and still are.

    In 2009 when the revised insight was released Honda specifically said, "This is the lowest cost hybrid you can buy." It was intended to compete against Nonhybrids in the sub-20,000 category, not any existing hybrids. Anyway it worked. The numbers were very high during 2010-12, because people liked the option of a cheap hybrid.
  5. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    The civic hybrid and the Prius were not competitors in anything but "two different hybrids". One was a hatchback the other a sedan with a useless trunk. We have both. The insight was intended to be a cheap Prius hatchback. That's why they even look the same, even though the insight is smaller.

    You are truly delusional.
  6. Troy Heagy

    Troy Heagy Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    2013 Prius
    Please provide a quote direct from Honda where they said, "Our new insight competes with the Prius." (You won't find any.) However there are many quotes about "an affordable hybrid below 20,000 in cost" because that was their goal.

    One could make the argument the 2004 Prius copied the original 1999 Insight, but I won't. Instead I will just say the Insight G2 copied itself. The G2 has the same shape as the original Insight. Also the 80s-era CRX. Honda doesn't need to copy other corporations when they can copy themselves.

  7. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius

    The reason we chose a five-door hatchback was that we wanted the car to be popular in Europe. American Honda – the biggest market – asked us to build a car with a boot, but we rejected that idea, because to compete with other green cars and sell more in Europe, it had to be a five-door hatchback. Of course, aerodynamically it is also a more favourable shape.

    —Yasunari Seki, Honda Insight Project Leader

    "Compete with other green cars"... Meaning the Prius?! Well yeah, it was the only one that posed any competition at the time. It was the frontrunner and still is.

    The original insight is a small 2 seater, relatively low roof line. Yes similar to the old CRXs. Which I have also had before. The Prius is gigantic in comparison and much more swoopy. The lines are very different. Then the Insight II came out, and looked like a Prius.

    It is really not that hard to grasp. Today they push it as a Prius C competitor because it really is a cheap crappy car and the only way they can come close in comparisons is to go against the baby of the line. And they still lose. It is truly sad.

    I have owned and do own many Hondas. But Toyota flat out beat them with the Prius in every aspect. That's why we have 2 Prii and a Lexus hybrid as well.
  8. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    Are those members also inanimate objects, not human beings?
    Can you first provide a direct quote from Honda where they said, "Our new Insight is intended to compete against Nonhybrids ..., not any existing hybrids."

    When I was shopping for a hybrid in late 2008 to early 2009, and the 2010 Insight and Prius were upcoming but not yet rolled out, I certainly perceived the Insight as competing at least against the GenII Prius. It appeared to be removing a bit of cost from the Civic Hybrid system, trying to undercut Prius on price and grabbing a portion of its market in the lower price end. But when both were finally rolled out, it was clear that the Insight price was a bit higher than expected, while Prius considerably raised the performance bar and then played hardball on price. By the end of the year, when it was clear that the Insight wasn't providing much competition, Toyota boosted the Prius MSRP.
    #28 fuzzy1, Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  9. Peter Danlyn

    Peter Danlyn Junior Member

    Jan 16, 2014
    2013 Prius c
    This being the home field for everything prius, i can see how the convo has devolved into an eagles/redskins fanboy grudge match. So, here it is: they are both good cars from reliable companies. I drove both. I liked both, I would be happy with either. Quite simply, I prefer the c for what I perceived to be its better recipe of efficiency, economy and practicality for the intended purpose. After driving it for 10k I have not been disappointed.

    I use it for a daily 60 mile commute on mostly 45-55 mph, frequently stop and go six lane highway with few lights and on ramps for most of the way. It also does the infrequent road trip and takes me camping with my wife.

    Could I use the extra space? Sometimes. Do I need it? Rarely. For trips that require a lot of gear i can always throw on a turtle top for added room, bringing my mpg down almost to where the insight is normally.

    My last two vehicles were a 500 dollar ranger and a 1500 dollar metro. I thought both were great and was sad to see each of them go. (Btw, no reliability or repair issues with either) Needless to say, the same c that some say is cheesy and retro feels like the top of the line to me. I'm thrilled to get behind the wheel every time. I hope and expect that insight owners feel the same way. My car is not better, it's just better for me.

    Wins on mpg
    Wins on size
    Wins on placement and ease of controls
    Wins on driver position.

    Not much else matters to me. Except that my red is better than your red ;)

    Fuelly vs standard test? I like fuelly because, intentionally or not, a vehicle can have an anomolous liking for the exact conditions of the test and not perform as well in a broad spectrum of driver and driving conditions. The Prii seem to perform equally on either scale. The cmax and a couple of honda hybrids, including the new accord seem to have trouble duplicating their test scores in the real world. That was also a consideration when choosing between the two.

    As far as motor trends review? It appears that the insight matches up marginally better with what their reviewer and readers are perceived to value.

    DROID X2 ? 2
  10. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    Just remembered -- while working with a Honda salesperson who knew I was also looking at the Prius, she lent me an internal marketing brochure comparing the Insight-II directly to the Prius, and only the Prius, with numerous point-by-point comparisons highlighting where the Insight was better. Of course, it compared against the GenII Prius, as GenIII was not yet rolled out.

    I even photocopied it, so will look to see if it is still here.
  11. usnavystgc

    usnavystgc Die Hard DIYer and Ebike enthusiast.

    Jul 29, 2011
    Tucson, AZ
    2005 Prius
    Why even bother with this guy?
  12. Troy Heagy

    Troy Heagy Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    2013 Prius
    No because (1) it isn't possible to prove a negative (prove some object or concept does not exist). For example you cannot prove Santa Claus or the Easter bunny does not exist. Basic logic. (2) But it is possible to prove a positive statement.

    [2k1Toaster] is claiming that Honda positively said "We built this $19,000 compact car to compete against a $24,000 midsize car called Prius" (or something similar). That's just plain ridiculous, and he knows it's ridiculous. Which is why he cannot produce evidence to back it up. (shrug) Oh well. I've come to expect that some people on Priuschat simply hate Honda cars..... just like some Ford owners hate Dodge cars (and vice versa). I think it's silly & juvenile

    I think my approach of embracing ALL companies efforts to make high MPG cars makes more sense (I now own a Honda, VW, and Toyota). BTW here's the press release from Honda (01/11/2009 - DETROIT): “With the introduction of the all-new Insight, we’re opening up Honda’s fun-to-drive, versatile and fuel-efficient hybrid technology to an entirely new group of buyers that previously may not have considered a hybrid because of cost."

    Nowhere do they say anything about directly competing with
    a midsize hybrid like Prius. They were obviously going for
    the economy segment, to get people away from
    nonhybrid compacts & choosing the insight instead.

    Another Honda America press release: "All-new 2010 Honda Insight Starts Under $20,000..... Insight targets entry segment as gateway to hybrid technology..... "The all-new Honda Insight brings the cost of entry for hybrid technology within closer reach of an entirely new car-shopping audience," said Dick Colliver executive vice president..... A sleek exterior blends design elements from the original 2000 Insight's highly aerodynamic side profile with a front-end design similar to the hydrogen-powered FCX Clarity, a marquee environmental product for Honda." (NOTE: Still no mention of prius.)
    #32 Troy Heagy, Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  13. Troy Heagy

    Troy Heagy Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    2013 Prius
    Yes the C is a good sub-20,000 dollar hybrid (one of two).
  14. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    Of course I haven't. Instead, I previously stated that all of them follow a Pre-WWI German design, as have many others listed here: Kammback (Kammback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

    Your strawmen are getting more ridiculous, and you know it.
  15. Troy Heagy

    Troy Heagy Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    2013 Prius
    Yeah I confused you with the other guy. I apologize fuzzy.
  16. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius
    The thread's OP has an issue that many of us at PC find joy in our Prius', other hybrids, and EVs....seems like all his threads attempt to cause strife here. I'm a Honda guy, yet know the Insight II (from 2008-2014) can't match the Prius, and this thread does not even mention the greatest Honda shortcoming: the IMA system is well short of the HSD.

    And the OP has the same screen name as someone that has made a career the past dozen years disrupting hybrid, EV, and other forums - the OP's behavior is very consistent in the desire to create strife.

    Most of us want things in life such as a family, live the American Dream (even if it's in another country), somehow leave the world a better place - i.e. bring joy. This OP's mission seems to be to take away joy from us. I make my responses to this member limited (should be more limited) - I'm fine with my ride and what he says will not take my joy away. I recommend the same for other members.
    #36 Chuck., Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  17. Troy Heagy

    Troy Heagy Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    2013 Prius
    I wasn't comparing the Insight II versus the Prius. It was Insight versus C, because they are the same price and size (~$18,000 and compact). I don't really get any joy from any of my cars, though I do get a "thrill up my leg" when I see the MPG approaching 70. ;)

    I also like that Honda offers stick-shift in their hybrids. Overall though I am a realist. The world is filled with lots of positive & negative things (like cops sexually-molesting women along the highway). I don't ignore the negative just because I find it unpleasant.
    #37 Troy Heagy, Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  18. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Well the Insight is picking up sales . . . a market leader . . . if we use the right kind of glasses:
    model May_14 Apr_14 Mar_14 Feb_14
    2 Honda Insight 493 441 410 339
    3 GL-Class Diesel 447 434 396 415
    4 ML Class Diesel 434 438 457 364
    5 Honda Civic Hybrid 415 450 338 443
    6 Q7 Diesel 408 410 411 310
    7 5-Series Diesel 389 294 281 576
    8 Honda CR-Z 389 369 354 318
    9 A6 Diesel 373 303 249 202
    10 GLK Class Diesel 356 369 411 298
    11 Highlander Hybrid 355 418 333 105
    12 i3 336
    13 Touareg Diesel 304 319 285 195
    14 Q50 Hybrid 294 263 380 328
    15 Golf Diesel 271 479 515 366
    16 Cayenne Diesel 270 475 562 350
    17 E-Class Diesel 247 264 251 229
    18 Pathfinder Hybrid* 238 183 237 191
    19 Volkswagen Jetta Hybrid 209 149 276 232
    20 forTwo EV 206 203 186 122
    21 Spark 182 97 108 71
    22 Grand Cherokee Diesel 181
    23 Ford Focus EV 177 116 177 129
    24 X3 Diesel 174
    25 500E 167 152 166 40
    26 Beetle Diesel 159 184 212 123
    27 Toyota RAV4 EV 149 69 73 101
    28 QX60 Hybrid* 137 114 167 135
    29 A7 Diesel 99 90 72 55
    30 Malibu Hybrid 94 130 191 202
    31 A8 Diesel 78 52 64 59
    32 Honda Civic 78 115 62 37
    33 Cayenne Hybrid 75 84 96 64
    34 Regal Hybrid 64 41 95 88
    35 ILX Hybrid 63 49 46 42
    36 Impala Hybrid 58 34 49 38
    37 Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid 53 63 56 57
    38 ELR 52 61 81 58
    39 Accord Plug In 46 37 18 24
    40 i 35 12 24 3
    41 Fit EV 33 50 37 33
    42 Audi Q5 Hybrid 25 21 35 24
    43 E400H 16 39 9 15
    44 ActiveHybrid 3 (335ih) 13 13 27 18
    45 ActiveHybrid 5 (535ih) 12 6 12 18
    46 M Hybrid 12 11 19 14
    47 S-Class Diesel 12 27 20 6
    48 Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid 10 5 20 6
    49 Lexus GS 450h 9 35 25 23
    50 ML450H 7
    51 7-Series ActiveHybrid 5 6 4 3
    52 LS 600h 5 9 7 11
    53 Chevrolet Silverado Hybrid 4
    54 Volkswagen Touareg Hybrid 3 3 1 3
    55 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid 2 2 1 4
    56 GMC Yukon Hybrid 2 7 5 2

    Bob Wilson​
  19. Trollbait

    Trollbait It's a D&D thing

    Feb 7, 2006
    eastern Pennsylvania
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The fit hybrid appears to be competitive with the Prius c/Aqua on sales in Japan. But we aren't going to get it in the US.
  20. Troy Heagy

    Troy Heagy Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    2013 Prius
    I'm sure the Fit hybrid will be brought-over to replace the "cheap hybrid" hole left by the discontinued insight. I won't buy one though because I don't like the rear (looks cut off). So using the sales numbers posted, it appears the Insight outsells all hybrids except Prius and Fusion. It even outsells the Civic hybrid which is a surprise.