I have no idea, but I hope not. I've only been here since fall and have not yet had the chance to go hiking. That was very near Queenstown, which bills itself as the adventure capital of New Zealand.
wow awesome pics daniel!! that hang gliding pix is great... is backdrop fake on it? gotta have more!!
Ha ha ha. Nope, the hang-gliding is entirely real. They mount a camera on a long pole in front of the glider, with a button by the pilot's hand, so he can snap the pics. Unfortunately, this arrangement never shows the entire glider, just the pilot and passenger, and whatever is behind them. Once he fetched the camera in and set it to movie mode and then put it back and shot two separate "movies," each about 7 megabytes. I'd happily email one of them to anyone who can handle that large an attachment. The ONLY thing that's fake in all four of the pics is the backdrop behind the python picture. BTW, I bet it's called a Speckled Python. That just occured to me yesterday.