great.............. got the police report. found out it was the Chief of police who actually had shown up at the scene. He took down her comments and mine at the scene. However, when he wrote up the report, only her comments made it to the report and not mind. I called him on it and asked, where was the information I provided? His reply? I don't have that information in my notes? How about it took her 100 feet to stop her vehicle after impact? His reply... I don't have that in my notes. I asked, how about that my blinker was on? His reply... not in my notes either. So I asked, you won't then put that information that I gave you in the report even though I gave it to you at the scene? His reply... No. I am utterly disgusted. His lack of doing his job is amazing. This from the chief too. I am so pissed I can't even see straight.
That is... pretty darn sad. I am not even sure where you would go from here. Hope others have some good suggestions.
Years ago, I read of one couple who deliberately take a key to their new car. They both put a tiny scratch in it, so they don't feel like it's all that important. I don't have to do that . . . nor does anyone living / driving across a state where tons of rocks get tossed up into the windshield or onto the hood. Our 1st trip back from MT in the Prius (2005) ended any hope of having a flawless car. It's only gotten worse. Look at the bright side . . . you got that taken care of. .
weathernut,,,,,,,,,man, i feel for you and i'm also disgusted that this happened. good gosh man! make her pay for everything, your deductible, your grief, your repairs, your insurance, your claims your car rental............good grief! hang her by the thumbnails! (joke, i guess)