When was it that an Interstate or freeway became re-defined as a "highway" ?? All the GPSs that I've used refer to it that way too. This "old fart" remembers when any road with more than one lane was considered a "highway" !!
Personally for me it is just easier to categorize all driving that is at a higher rate of speed without stops as a highway, regardless of how many lanes (and whether it's limit is 50 or 80).
Funny you should mention that... I was at a traffic light after which two lanes merge into one and go up a big hill. I was the first car in the left lane. As soon as the light turned green, two drivers in BMWs raced past me on the right then they merged into the one-lane road in front of me, then they tailgated each other over the hill, and when they got to the bottom of the hill, they both made a left turn into some ghetto sandwich shop