here is another not too good prius review

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by syncmaster, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. habel

    habel New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    Oslo, Norway
    Same here - it is completely different reasons that lead to mine decission as well. Ordering mine in 2 days (2006) :)

  2. 2Hybrids

    2Hybrids New Member

    Sep 17, 2005
    Eustis, Florida
    Though they didn't appear to say anything that wasn't true, not mentioning how it was driven fails to show readers how the "facts" were obtained, thus fueling the whole anti-hybrid rantings.

    Even on errand-running missions, I can't get that poor fuel economy if I tried...right now averaging 55.4 around town miscellaneous errands, and I drive it like any other car.

    I can only suspect that this car was used a few times on the quarter mile track, slolem course, 0-60 testings, and brake checks. Driving in their own rendition of the Cannonball Run would most likely bring on these kind of figures.

    And yes, we sure are defensive about our cars...having to put up with nonsense misperception put out by Autoweak and the likes.
  3. popsrcr

    popsrcr New Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Richmond, VA
    Clearly I'm going to have to take pictures of our display. We average 43mpg. It has never been raced, it gets driven a lot, etc, etc. Call me what you will, it is what we get. ALL, as in 100% of our driving is traffic light to traffic light down a busy street. I do not expect to get better.

    As an avid autoweek reader, you guys are also taking things out of context. This magazine SUPPORTS and PARTICIPATES IN experiments and stories involving alternative fuel sources. So, they don't like your Prius, big whoop. Its your car and I don't think you need their approval to buy one.

    It was THEIR experience and perspective, not YOURS.

    Geeze, get a grip. People are not out to get you.
  4. KTPhil

    KTPhil Active Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    The article fails to consider the unusually low depreciation of the Prius in its financial calculations. Does anyone think a year old Focus will hold 90% of its value when new?

    Also, 41 mpg is lower than almost everyone here reports. I suspect a driving enthusiast magazine drives it much harder tha the average owner.

    I never saw the Prius as a driver's car. It is a super efficient, comfortable, clean, reliable family car that will save me money over the long haul. None of those characteristics are even mentioned in the article.

    How a car measures up depends on the ruler you use.
  5. micheal

    micheal I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

    Apr 14, 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    2004 Prius
    The fact of the matter is that the article was online and many people may read it outside of the context of the magazine. It's one thing not to like a car. It is another to call it a complete bore to drive in addition to it being a poor economic decision based on their numbers. Naturally, when someone reviews a product you bought and says it is a hassle to own/operate and it was a stupid financial purchase, it is only natural (not necessarily right) for people to get defensive.

    It is unfortunate that your commute doesn't allow you to see the full potential of the Prius. However, I do doubt that Autoweek conducting their full year test under those conditions. How fun would it be to drive any car in those conditions? (I am assuming that they the miles are similar for each car, since people trade off and why would it matter if you have a Hemi to go a less than a mile and not go faster than 45?) The bottom line is that the 41 is 17% lower than the 48 mpg the average Prius driver gets(according to Green Hybrid, which I know is not a representative sample, but it is the best we have at present).

    I like how you said it ktphil, they are using a different ruler than most people. As this is an online article, IMO, they should qualify the ruler they are using. I don't think most people would argue about the content of the review if they stated up front they are focus on hp, 0-60, driving fast, and little about most anything useful in the real world ruler.
  6. pennyprius

    pennyprius New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Mileage has been discussed adnauseum but I have not gotten the mileage many of you report. I live in Northern VA and I drive a combination of traffic light to traffic light driving and about once a week 30 miles on the highway each direction. When in the "city" I usually don't drive in the car more than 15 minutes at a time between stops. I am only getting 40-41.9 MPG average per tank. I was using the a/c most of the time until the weather turned cooler but I still leave it on auto setting.

    What am I doing wrong? No I haven't changed the tire pressure beyond the manufacturer's recommendation
  7. micheal

    micheal I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

    Apr 14, 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    2004 Prius
    You might try to reset on the MFD and see what your mileage is for your 30 mile trips. If traffic is literally stop and go (speeding up and then coming to a stop a couple of blocks later) it may be difficult to approach what others are getting.

    It may be possible to improve it, but it depends on how heavy traffic is on your route. What kind of acceleration do you from the stoplight? Are you able to coast at all between stop lights to minimize the penalty for accelerating? I would imagine 15 minutes trips at low speeds would cause a hit with the warm-up as well. It takes me usually around 5-10 minutes on my commute to get it nice and warm and this is able to go 40 mph or so for a mile or two at a time.
  8. popsrcr

    popsrcr New Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Richmond, VA
    Micheal, you sure are making a lot of assumptions about how they test given you don't read the magazine.
    I find my car quite fun to drive on the stop and go (as much as it can be anyway), but the Prius is just a car.

    I do not believe they *focus* on the performace of the Prius. It is an aspect of the review. Given that A - their gas mileage was lower than expected and B - their view that the car is dull to drive, what else would you expect them to say?

    Again, you don't agree with their opinion and that's fine. To insult them because you don't agree (the global you, not you personally) is childish.
  9. popsrcr

    popsrcr New Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Richmond, VA
    This is EXACTLY what we get in Richmond in similar circumstances. Unless you find a commute that has a steadier speed, I don't think you'll see anything better.
    One note tho, imagine what you were really getting in your last car that had an EPA guideline of the mid-20s? 15?
  10. micheal

    micheal I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

    Apr 14, 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    2004 Prius
    I am making assumptions about their testing conditions because they don't give us any description of the review conditions! If an article is posted on their website, then it shouldn't be necessary to read the magazine to know how a car is tested. I guess I missed the memo that to understand this article you needed to be an avid Autoweek reader. Perhaps I am an anomaly, but when researching cars, I read a variety of online review articles without subscribiding to any auto magazine.

    Their mileage was lower than they expected, but still better than probably every other car they tested barring the Insight. Then, they try to convince people that it is dumb to buy a Prius when comparing it to a 3-door Focus zx3! :angry: (Which got 27.15 MPG in their long term test.) If the review doesn't preface how they tested a car, and they then try to show how it doesn't make sense to buy this car over a 3 door hatchback, then their judgement deserves to be questioned.