No. It isn't. In a fair and just world, both E0 and E85 would be 50-state available. I would have thought that most farm implements in states like IA can't use ethanol because they're diesel powered rather than some made-up FUD about ethanol.....
LOTS AND LOTS of stations in Iowa have ethanol-free fuel. One of the major supermarkets chains has it at their stations and at least a couple of the major "7-11" type chains also have it. I have to admit though, I got it just because my dad was visiting and using my car and he got mixed up at the pumps and bought the "wrong" (right?) fuel. In Oregon, where I someday hope to return (next March?), it is pretty difficult to find E0. Somewhat surprising, since that is all that lots of people want in their boats and chainsaws.
Regardless our thoughts and opinions, the Government is going to do what they want...for whatever reason they want. So whether or not we believe unleaded gasoline, low sulfur Diesel or gas cut with liquor helps anything...they did it and someone (not the consumer or tax payer) made a lot of money because of those decisions.
It will yield better fuel economy because of the slightly higher energy content of the gasoline over E10. That may make it feel more powerful since more energy is going into the cylinder per injector squirt, which means you don't have to push down on the gas pedal quite as far as before. If they have access to it, some Sonic owners wanting more power have switched to E85. Still less energy per gallon, but higher octane. GM says the engine is regular gas, but it is really designed for higher octane. The ECM just needs some code turned on to run E85, and an alcohol sensor if you want flex fuel capability.
Actually, this is the same corn which are fed to animals, you know, cows, pigs, sheep as feed. When cattle/pig/sheep farmers have to pay more for feed, than our prices go up too. This is also the same corn used to make corn meal (you know for baking, coating meat, corn bread), so this corn is in our food supply, and also, the more acres used to plant this corn, the less acres useable for sweet corn (which we do eat). One of the byproducts of burning alcohol is formalin (as in formaldehyde)- I rather be breathing hydrocarbons than formalin...The E85 engines have been designed to use E85-the car manufacturers didn't go down the assembly line and slap E85 stickers randomly on the cars..Jeesh... Small engines-lawn mowers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, boat engines, older motorcycle engines were not designed for alcohol and NONE of them are designed (even the brand new ones) are not designed for anything above E10. Most farmers cannot just change production in a few months (unless you consider 9-10 months a few months). Most states which grow corn only can produce 1 crop a year-my neighbors plant corn in April (if they are lucky-ground thawed/dried enough for planting) and pick it in October-this is similar in most states in the corn-belt. Farmers usually make the decision on what crops to plant at the end of the year for the next planting season=2-4 months ahead, once they make the decision, they are usually stuck on the path (pre-ordering seed, pesticides, fertilizer, etc...). Only the United States of America think burning corn in fuel is a good thing-no countries overseas require it. Only our politicians and PACS get away with this crap.
Well Europe mandates biodiesel and uses some ethanol. Bottom line is gov't will tend to favor the idea of giving part of the gaso/diesel market to ag interests.
Older cars, lawnmowers, motorcycles, etc that aren't "designed" for gassy-haul also aren't "designed" to run efficiently or cleanly. See also: obsolete, polluter, antique. Now.....I like me some classic hot rods, except when I'm behind one in traffic. I'm also not what you would call a big governmint kinda guy. If E10 makes sense as an octane booster, or an alternative to E0, then I want it to get a fair shake in the open market. Just like Priuses. Just like BEVs. You can grow corn in the US. It's a little harder to grow the stuff in the sand-box, and they can't eat oil. I'm liking that for some reason. II currently own 2 M/C's, 3 Cars, an 1100# mower, 2 push mowers, 2 Weedwhackers, Chainsaws, a pressure washer, and probably 5 other things with gas motors that I'm not thinking of. I live where you can get E0 at every other gas station, and in fact I work a few hundred feet from one of the few Mom and Pop places that only up-charge about $0.10 for E0 instead of $0.25 and more. I don't use it.....won't use it, mostly because I don't NEED to use it. I'm glad that it's available, because there ARE some people that roll old iron around these parts, and I also believe that if people want E0, then they should be able to choose it without the jackwagons at pushing them around and telling them what to do all the time. Eliminate all subsidies, and let the chips fall where they will. YMMV
Yep, when AG PACs giving millions of dollars to get their politicians elected....don't get me started on biodiesel-diesel made from soy beans...argh, or that low-sulfur diesel we have to deal with now which automatically reduced the mpg in the farm truck by 30% which I now have to use 30% more fuel to go the same miles-don't know how that improved air quality in the long run; done so only so our diesel refineries here in the US could export diesel to Europe....