UPS has a 100 lb limit. So they ship fragile Lladros along side refrigerators. I would recommend using USPS for fragile items. Fed Ex has a 2 inch thick book of insurance exclusions behind the counter. I was about to ship a vintage guitar FedEx.Luckily the counter guy showed me the exclusion book. They would pay a few hundred max for a $3000 guitar.Even if I paid the full insurance premium.
Dianne..........I am SO sorry to hear all this. Hang in girl and know we are hear as a sounding board....if nothing else. I have no advice to offer....just a listening ear....
Lincoln, I wish to thank you especially much for this post. Duane Furukawa (he didn't like being called Diane here, I bet!) called me this morning. He said they were working with the underwriters for Crawford and trying t6o move to a positive end - I can't recall the name of the company - and would get back to me in a day or two. I then heard from Andy Nethken a few minutes later as well with the same info - that they were working to resolve this. I do not yet know what that means, because I heard that last time from the San Diego Corp offices from Andy, and right afterwards I got that idiotic offer to settle for $650. We shall see. I am usually an optimist, but not with this company these days. I also want to thank my "mystery caller" last week who said he owned a Mailboxes Etc franchise and told me what he knew and experienced. Thanks for the kindness and honesty you showed. Lastly, while this is all still in limbo, it sounds like it may be moving somewhere. I hope it moves to a quiet resolution for what I insured it for and not into a small claims courtroom. Keep prayin' for me, guyzzzzzzzzzzzzz! It's not over but it's going somewhere. I will keep ya'll posted. Dianne
Finally! I wish to thank (profusely) the person who posted the contacts to me online here. Duane Furukawa turned out to be the most helpful and understanding ally. Last Thursday the 22nd of October, a gentleman from MBE, a UPS company drove up here to Manhattan Beach and swapped me a check for my loss in trade for the broken Lladro in its box. Relieved and happy to be reporting back in with positive news. Although it's a damn shame it's taken two and a half months to fight this and win, I did win. And, I received a face to face apology ... something rare in this day and age. Thanks everyone for listening and chiming in... one of those CHIMES rang true and good. Dianne