I wonder if it was you who I saw today (just a few hours ago on the QEW WB). I saw a black 2008 on the inner most lane (the fast lane). ohh? I'll probably pass it sooner or later. I have seen the Ford bldg several times from the highway. I'm in Oakville but you won't spot me since my Prius was left at home . I saw a few more Prius (including the black one mentioned above and another Tideland!) but more TCHs (black with tints, beige and a few silvers). I'll be around in my smart fortwo.
Yes, I'll be bumping up the pressures even more. I'm just doing 100% city driving and your regular Pulse & Glide. The fastest the car has gone is 70kmh, and that's because I was going downhill. I don't plan on driving on the highway. It's quite difficult to maintain 3.4l/100km. I need to slow down even more. If you see a black Prius in Mississauga going slower than the speed limit that would be me.
Unfortunately, that's not me. I don't plan on driving the Prius on the highway unless absolute necessary. Even then, I usually don't drive on the express lane. I typically do 100kmh in my Honda, and then recently dropped to 90kmh to save fuel. Then the Prius came along...
I'm on the other side: NE corner of QEW and W.C. - I'll look out from my porthole to see you in your Smart car.
OK I'll draft behind you. That'll deal with any impatient driver behind me as I can just "blame" you for the slow traffic LOL. Yes I'd say 3.4l/100km is hard to maintain. What's the distance you drive to and from work?
no kidding lol. I had to work at it to get a 3.9L/100km tank (800km+ on that tank) last summer and keep in mind, the west coast isn't exactly flat. ahh ok. I'll probably do the same with my smart and stay off the highway (it is rated at 4.8 on the highway though...). hehehe. How do you guys keep the limit? In the few days I've been here, I had to do 110km/h+ to keep up with traffic and I wasn't even in the middle lanes! LOL. alright but it won't be here for a few weeks =(.
The distance is roughly 35km. On my mock trial run I managed 3.0l/100km = 78MPG(US) but the engine was completely warmed up at the time. The same for the return trip where I managed 3.4l/100km = 69MPG(US). I will obviously refine my driving techniques and route planning as I gain more experience behind the wheel. And you're right. I do the same thing where I follow behind slow drivers so I don't get that "look" as others pass me.
VCR is much much much better than TO, so I think the drop in FE is worth it. I personally don't have a problem doing 90kmh on the 400-series highways. I just stick to the right lane, and whenever someone is tailgating me, I just slow down to 80kmh and that usually takes care of it. Whenever I have to switch lanes for whatever reason, I do bump up the speed to at least 100kmh, then slow down once I get back on the right lane. I've never been honked or shown the finger this way. And you'll be surprised that there's a lot more people doing 90kmh than you think.
Hi from the Wet Coast When I bought my Prius at the beginning of April, I didn't get rustproofing or paint sealant, based on my research on sites such as ConsumerReports.org and others. Interestingly, the dealership didn't try to sell me rustproofing at all, actually stating that the Prius didn't need it because of the panels under the car.
lol... well thank you for the kind words. I'm sure I'll have no problems in the smart. People will probably think I'm struggling to maintain 90km/h and will happily move around me :bounce: Although I did get a stare (and a high beam flash) from a woman in a Fit (you could say, she was having a fit ound when I was coasting in the Yaris to a traffic light on Trafalgar.
You bet. Hopefully by this coming weekend I get install the bug deflector. Just been lazy about cleaning/claying/waxing the car. Hey Tideland, how come we don't have Canadian forum on here?
Je ne sais pas. We have a number of Canadians on the board but only a few are regulars (i.e. actually post on a regular basis). But despite the recent influx of new :canada:members, we're still seriously outnumbered. Besides, I figured we can adapt. After 3 years on the board, I'm fluent in mpg conversions . Below 5.6L/100km/42mpg that is. Anything above and I need a calculator. However, we do have an "International Owners" forum . According to Britney Spears in her travels, we're "abroad".
Greeting, this morning i saw 2 prius on the 407 and this afternoo i saw 3 prius one in 404, 1 in Vpark and one in Warden Ave,.2 days ago i saw 2prius at the toyota body shop, 1 magnetic grey total wrek, 1 black . Im happy to seemore prius each day. Say hi if you see a magnetic grey prii with a sharkfin antena. going thru 401. from 400 to east. Also im only 30 and i drive this car 90 less at DVP even if everybody are driving 110+ Cheers.
It'd be nice to have a Canuck forum to organize meets or something, and also talk about specific driving sets pertaining to Cdn. roads. I'm surprised there is no Toronto Prius club or even a BC club. I guess Canuck Prius owners are not exactly the "enthusiast" type. :grouphug:
I came across this in a search: Toronto Prius & Hybrid Meetup Group (Thornhill, ON) - Meetup.com Toronto Prius & Hybrid Meetup Group Do you care about clean air? Are you interested in saving $1000/year on gas? Would you like to learn more about Hybrid Cars? Would you like to share your enthusiasm for clean, quiet, efficient transportation with others? Then you need to join our group and come out to our meetings and join in the "fun" -- because fun is a renewable resource. Objectives include educating the public and members on the benefits of hybrid technology. And organizing an Efficiency Rally, where the winner is who uses the least fuel. We have now successfully convinced the Federal Gov't to pass on Tax rebates for clean, efficient cars. Location: Thornhill, ON, Canada 43.83-79.43 Founded: Oct 22, 2003 Donation: CAD2.00 a Month Rating: Members: 98 Meetings: 74 so far "More people should come .Learn something new every time+ meet great bunch of people enjoy coffee. —Mony Soora "Really great meeting some of the people from the hybrid group. " —GreenKing See all member comments