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Heavy Springs And Lift Upgrade

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by strawbrad, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. ColoradoCrow

    ColoradoCrow Active Member

    Sep 2, 2019
    Leawood, KS
    2008 Prius
    Any pictures?
    offib likes this.
  2. Prius Rising

    Prius Rising Member

    Mar 20, 2019
    2005 Prius

    That's awesome brother I am loving the upgrades on mine as well. :)
  3. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    I believe you ordered correct?
  4. alftoy

    alftoy Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Saskatchewan, Canada
    2008 Prius
  5. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
  6. 199n8

    199n8 New Member

    Oct 4, 2022
    United States
    2008 Prius
    @black_jmyntrn Deserves none of your business.
    I tried to buy a hitch mount from him back in February. Took my money for 2 months and zero communication.
    Tried reaching out about the order 3 seperate times in different avenues & 0 answer. Had to do a charge back.
    The forums here and everywhere are replete with stories of the same.
    He's either an insanely incompetent businessman, or even more incompetent scammer.
    Save yourself the hassle.
  7. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    this is unfortunate and another indicator by date where the trends of fumbled orders occurred; there was a roller coaster from roughly Feb to September. No excuses for it honestly... I guess I ask, what suggestions do you have that would've driven the order in a different direction. I hear the same, no communication was the most prominent black eye.
    So with that resolved, others in your similar shoes and ordering time, versus chargeback, kept the faith and waited to receive the product. Another member elsewhere on the web stated for his other vehicles that he over lands, he waited months to receive parts. I believe 6+ months for suspension parts for king, bumpers, and others all over they state in bold long times for delivery.

    The realization I needed to do better about setting the expectations up front I feel would've cleared this up but having consistency from the manufacturer and those they chose to support them (aka powdercoater) could've been set up better for sure. I don't know everything but I know I am no scammer.

    The vast differences in customers and how they choose to voice their opinion has been a... exciting watch. You have thousands online who only read... no post... order.. not ask for updates and wait to receive a part. They then email in with thanks and support to then call out they aren't vocal online folks. Then, the folks who are vocal and use scam because I didn't answer emails or phone due to high volumes of incoming... can you go into detail on why as I might be missing something here and blinded by something else...

    I don't like to think I was scammed by a prius owner, but the folks who do a chargeback because of the custom aftermarket prius part(that alone I thought people would be more compassionate for delays) that's the strongest on the market...is delayed.. has a few do a certain type of chargeback to then receive the product and I lose the case and sent product.... the hitch you wanted has no need to use a hitch riser and not mass produced by a big company... literally hand made... scammer just doesn't go with this... overworked/ overwhelmed dreamer/inventor getting a taste of to support thousands of customers yes!

    Literally here, all ears, on how to be better! Got behind the 8 ball, but that doesn't mean the game is over!
    offib and Prius Rising like this.
  8. 199n8

    199n8 New Member

    Oct 4, 2022
    United States
    2008 Prius
    You are so full of crap with your faux "developing innovater" spiel.
    If you were an honest man I would take the time help you do better, but you're not honest. You are deceptive & you refuse to step out and fully acknowledge the degree of harrassment you have unleashed on your victims.
    Your long history of scamming is coming to light. For everyone reading this, please do your research. Go into any prius forum and ask about "Prius Overlanding" or "Duwayne McClendon" and ask what others experiences has been with this sorry excuse for a man.

    Additionally here's a publicly available court document showing how @black_jmyntrn scammed his girlfriend out of $22,000+ back in 2017.
    This is an ongoing problem and we have no reason to trust that any of this "reform" is even remotely credible.
    May justice weigh on you heavy.

    Sorry to go off topic for the thread. But I refuse to allow this abuser the space to decieve others.
    scammer1.jpg scammer2.jpg scammer3.jpg scammer4.jpg scammer5.jpg scammer6.jpg scammer7.jpg scammer8.jpg
  9. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    You know... When people feel they know all from reading things online and make assumptions, it makes them look like something, I just cant put my finger on it... For the simple fact, there are multiple mug shots of gentlemen that aren't me, with the same name as I do. What makes you think that paperwork which was dismissed.... is me? That, I guess, is the part that baffles me?

    You have no idea how often my hotel points have gone missing or used as they say, and I know I didn't use them.

    Why would you assume that's me? If only the same name, that's nothing to go off of, at least the way I see it! Plus, haven't you heard stories of upset women who do whatever they can to punish a man when their heart gets broken? C'mon, man, there is a lot of anger in your words over something you've read on the internet that even I am trying to validate its legitimacy!

    So here you are, up in arms over something you read from someone else who has a lot of anger in their words and your attempts to say it's me... If not mistaken, when I read more into it, it was dismissed... so those are just someone's opinions on paper which would need to go through due process to even begin to assume its the truth and even remotely related to me... am I missing something here?

    Now, what you are doing is what the courts call "defamation of character". In a perfect world, you retract your statements we go about our business. On the flip side, we add your screen name and this forum to the paperwork and proceed from there.
  10. 199n8

    199n8 New Member

    Oct 4, 2022
    United States
    2008 Prius
    Yeah you're right the court document is petty & unverified. I take it back. However it would be completely unsurprising given your track record.

    Your inability to keep track of your hotel points is really not adding to your failing reputation, not sure why you would admit to that..?

    Here's what some other folks had to say about their dealings with you.

    I Poor Review.png PR2.png PR3.png PR4.png PR5.png PR6.png PR7.png PR8.png PR9.png PR10.png PR11.png PR12.png

    And this is just a cursory overview. Given time I'm positive I'd be able to not only contact these current former victims, but it due time find more and attain their depositions. I'm sure that defamation lawsuit will hold up reeeeal well in court.

    You can't defame someone who has defamed themselves. Your reputation is entirely a result of your own character and subsequent actions.
    Your complete inability to reckon with that is why it's not getting any better. I recommend therapy.
  11. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    You know, whats interesting is, sure, some of those reviews are from fumbled orders. I don't think one company in existence can say they have a 100% flawless customer ordering experience. Now, seeing as how I am one man, starting something new there were some lessons learned for sure.

    I believe that you fall in the bucket with a lot of folks where just because someone writes a review that's the fact of the matter. What you don't know is, more than one of those reviewers are folks without a leg to stand on.

    You also don't see the positive reviews as they are drowned out or just not mentioned as some folks just don't post anything online, they just read and observe.

    David G for instance... the last year and more has gone out of his way to slander me over his order... his biggest gripe he dint get a refund... now, I don't know about you but would you give a refund after a customer who says the part didn't fit, they didn't send pictures of the part not fitting then says they threw the item away versus sending it back? No one knows that side of the story and immediately jumps to I'm the bad guy when this customer's shipping address is a stone's throw away from my competitor.

    The shipping delay and people not liking to receive an email saying there is a delay which reads as an automated email is another blow not shakeable just yet. Now you have folks hesitating to purchase because of a review where not all context is laid out as the facts and even when it is, its not written with one of compassion. Thats what I think the world needs more of... compassion. that said...

    I implore you to not look at things for face value as the internet is good about having misleading information that is considered facts!

    Since I know my truth and the truth about whose behind most of this just can't prove it with hard evidence, I sit and work to ensure future customers don't have repeat experiences.

    Unless I am wrong, every company has negative reviews, it just so happens the Prius community would rather kick someone down versus offer assistance to a guy trying to make a difference in the aftermarket area of a vehicle no other companies wanted to make parts for... its as if because I don't care about MPG and chose to lift my vehicle I'm the black sheep. So be it then, just... with you only seeing one side and running with it saying the wolf is coming without appearing to even want to understand why/how a person came to the point of their review to me is something I wouldn't do.

    I remember waiting over six months for my 3D scanner patiently but a large mass of people clearly without my patience went hard on the company and voiced their emotions online. One would think, this company is horrible that they have all of these people typing their unhappiness online when the fact is, the company had to hold on shipments due to a pending lawsuit from a company that says they infringed on their copyright. No one even cared to think that is the hold-up and just went on and on about how this company made them feel... I truly wish you the best and to see/think outside the box as there is a thin line between opinion and bitterness, most don't choose wisely when they use words to express themselves.
    #211 black_jmyntrn, Jan 30, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2023
  12. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    hahahaa and who keeps track of hotel points? I actually didn't initially is how what I started to begin, over time the hotel and I found in multiple examples where I knew I had some and didn't use them while talking to a rep who mentioned I did use them... turned out I showed them a plane ticket where I was in one place while my points being used in a completely different city is how that all came about...

    like.. huh.. now, you are dissecting with no noticeable portion in your words of anything other than... :: sniffs air :: rage.. no :: sniffs air :: I don't know, it just not pleasant that energy of yours at all
  13. Chelsea Felker

    Chelsea Felker Junior Member

    Dec 9, 2021
    Pittsburgh, pa
    2009 Prius
    While I agree customer service in the beginning was HUGELY lacking. I think a lot of people are forgetting a new company was started out of a NEED in the community, but also during a mf pandemic. Supplies lag, manufacturers need changed. If you’ve never tried to run a business, especially one with a product that is shipped, you’ve really got no idea.
    Plus if contracts aren’t in place manufacturers can just leave without fulfilling the duties it said it would.

    I’m quite confused how people are upset a completely custom 100% made after purchase product takes longer than expected. Is it bc the information isn’t easily visible upfront that it will take awhile? Remember when we used to order stuff off the TV and we’d send a check to a random address and wait 6-8 weeks with no response hoping we weren’t scammed? Stuff is like that sometimes for small businesses

    This small business startup in question sent me the product I ordered within 3 months. And that’s honestly reasonable when there’s only one place on the internet to find it (two now bc I think there’s one competitor selling a copy product).

    It’s a Prius y’all, these parts aren’t sitting in a shelf waiting to be shipped. They’ve got to be made. and I’ve personally worked with a welder on multiple occasions to have custom stuff made for my Prius. It takes a long time.

    Are we fighting about customer service or are we fighting about the actual product? Bc people are thrilled when they get the product. A hitch that holds more than 200# tongue weight? Get out of town. I searched high and low and could only find this one. The product t is solid and the wait times are reasonable when you realize what you’re getting.

    Our patience has worn thing with time but even Amazon doesn’t do 2 day shipping bc it’s unreasonable. Instant gratification is a curse more than a blessing and patience will definitely win.
  14. Plaman

    Plaman Member

    May 17, 2015
    Denver, CO
    2006 Prius
    @black_jmyntrn well this is timely. I ordered my roof rack Dec 13th. On PriusOverlanding.com it's still listed as "Processing". I've received e-mails about how it's "being packed" and it's "taking longer to pack", I could write a novel about my experience so far and I get it-things happen. Let's start here:

    I would like a full refund of my order.
    Prius Rising likes this.
  15. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    You would like to cancel your order, please submit an email for cancellation.
  16. Plaman

    Plaman Member

    May 17, 2015
    Denver, CO
    2006 Prius
    Here is the issue. I've already done that. Then I start getting a run around... just like you gave me with this response-about the "cancellation policy" for products you misrepresent their "in stock" status about until you stop responding entirely. I am glad I already started the paypal dispute because I see exactly where this is going. It is absolutely unbelievable you want to proceed like this. Just do the right thing, learn from the poor experiences of your potential customers, and improve your business.

    Edit: Your 3rd party support team stopped responding to me on Jan 6th as soon as I started sending screenshots about misrepresenting the stock status of the product I was trying to purchase.
    199n8 and Prius Rising like this.
  17. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    @camperprius I found this, if there are others I am not aware of please dont hesitate to remind me!

    @Plaman So, if I am to understand this correctly because the site uses the default wording for the e-commerce platform used by millions of shopping carts... The site misrepresented the stock status? How? I chuckle at the words of assumptions I read from people regarding the backend process they know nothing about.

    I guess for me, knowing there are two customers types these days, one who has faith, waits for their item to arrive(most never send an email asking for an update), and receives their product after making a purchase. The other, will place an order for sunshades and call the phone number 35 minutes after asking for an update. When their item is not received by their expected delivery time the first path is to make a complaint that a custom part for a Prius took longer than they expected. Yes, the process laid out with the fulfillment companies to ship ASAP and stock levels had a hiccup but there is no way I can say with any confidence how an e-commerce site operates that I don't manage. If you know of something I don't please let me know else, your assumptions would be false. If you search the wording in your screenshots, you'll see it pop up for millions of websites.

    But see, this other customer I'm still speaking about because they didn't get what they wanted, proceed to hang me out to dry and use words to describe what they know nothing about... why is that? and, yes, the cancellation policy.. is used industry-wide! Do a search for "offroad order cancellation", id wager to bet you will not find one company without a cancellation policy. if you did, the number without one is squashed by the number of companies with them.

    Here we are now, you have expectations of a company and are disappointed they didn't meet them? Could a better job of setting expectations have been done, without a question? Why would you rather tear down something that like all businesses is a work in progress? Did you assume it was done on purpose? Why would someone out there trying to help others, intentionally have malice? You must not watch my IG... I stay telling people to be positive and lift others up. I let my light shine to help, it's a bright light too!

    Lastly, I don't even know if you have an order or even charged for one. What I am uncovering, there are many out there with comments and no order... people have gone to the extent of creating new accounts on social platforms, just to slander me. heh, they even say "yeah I created this fake account".

    So with that, this year things are running completely differently, if you placed an order and were charged then not refunded or feel you didn't get what you rightfully deserve. Text me at 307.222.9745 with your forum name and order number so that any of your concerns can be resolved. Sucks it's to this point, I'd like to make sure you feel you weren't misrepresented and received what you ordered or other. I'm not in the business of making people unhappy, thats not why this was started...
  18. natenkiki2004

    natenkiki2004 Junior Member

    Feb 9, 2021
    2008 Prius
    I might be misunderstanding but did you just install the matrix strut assemblies directly into your second gen Prius? Or did you have to disassemble the matrix strut assemblies and swap parts into your Prius strut assemblies?

    I have a lift kit waiting to be installed but I want to replace the struts for better ride quality and to help reduce the sagging in the rear. I don't want to mess with compressing springs and swapping springs though.
  19. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    So close I am to having the option of spring and strut assembled... sooo close!
    Prius Rising likes this.
  20. natenkiki2004

    natenkiki2004 Junior Member

    Feb 9, 2021
    2008 Prius
    Maybe you can help with advice, I've seen a lot of your work on Reddit and Instagram, I just don't come here that often. My dilemma is that I already have the Prius Offroad lift kit on hand. As far as I know, my 2008 is untouched suspension-wise and the rear is sagging. The under-carpet storage area is full of daily carry goodies. I like gravel roads and have bottomed out countless times. I don't want to spend a ton of money but I also don't mind replacing things to keep this car alive and doing what I want. I've been thinking about buying 4 new KYB strut assemblies to the tune of about $550 from Rock Auto. Also some new control arms with ball joints and tie rod ends just to ensure everything is tight up front prior to an alignment. I want more clearance than stock but I'll probably stick with stock sized tires and have a summer set and a winter set. Summer might be wider or slightly larger but winter will be stock width to cut through snow better. I don't really want to replace springs on a brand new set of struts nor do I want to install new springs on my 180,000mi struts that are probably original. The Prius isn't my only vehicle so I'm not wholly relying on it for offroad and camping but it's nice to get places I need.

    Should I just stick with my plan of KYBs and the lift kit I already have?