$25,182, at least in Contra Costa County. Which also covers licensing and registration for the first year.
Yeah, that's why I say "bigger is better" is not the right direction the Prius should be heading. Leave that to the high end Lexus and mild hybrids.
You are correct, even in Los Angeles County, a base II with zero option comes to $25,296 and is closer to $25k than $26k. Let me see if I can get the stealerships to gouge me $300 for useless items like Doc and Prep Fees and then we are closer to $26k again. Just kiddin' I know I know, there are those lucky ones in states like Oregon where they don't pay sales tax! Jealous And the rest remains true - outside of the zero option II's, you are most likely looking at III, IV, or V's with some options or packages, and they are most definitely in the upper $20's to 30's. All right, anybody else wanna dance with their calculators? I am intrigued by these type of responses. If people truly want to think that they bought an econo box and saved tons of money, then why don't they buy a Yaris? Local dealers are advertising stripped down versions at $13,000 with 29/36 MPG. What's wrong with saying Prii are not the cheapest things on the lot?!
From hanging around this forum I know there are a lot of diverse reasons people purchase a Prius. Beyond the sometimes valid stereotypes. My feeling is ultimately you either want a Prius or you do not, for the original OP if you feel you must "justify" buying a Prius, then I'd suspect you might be better just getting a different vehicle. Mostly because I feel if you aren't 100% sold on Prius ownership and need some justification to motivate a purchase then what you are hoping is that you will come to like it better, after purchase, and in my opinion that's not a good place to be making a purchase from. I suppose a lot depends on a lot factors. A big part being how big is a automobile purchase to you? Do you keep your vehicles for long periods of time, is the idea of going through the process "fun" or "repulsive" to you? In short, if you bought a Prius and were unsatisfied or unhappy would making another change be difficult? My advice is don't make any purchase right now. Keep researching, keep test driving. Make sure when you sign the contract and write the check that the vehicle waiting out on the lot, is a vehicle inwhich you are happy to be getting the keys. Whether that vehicle ultimately becomes The Prius or any other vehicle.
Yes, allowable doc fees were raised from $45 to $55 in 2007. Very well informed crowd we have here. Its as if many are interested in counting Lincolns, Washingtons, and Benjamins (i.e. money) but when it comes to Clevelands, Madison, or even Chase, most are willing to justify by rationalize.
Not too much point in talking about OTD prices. OTD price is whatever one can negotiate to buy the car for. Also, I'm pretty darn sure that in the dead of Winter, dealers offer many more discounts, rebates, etc.... as a lot of the US is buried in snow and vacations / car buying go down. I'll be looking to see what kind of deals are shown in the paper in January. January 2009, some were advertising a 09' pack5 for about $22.8k before TTL. That's about $5k off the regular MSRP. We'll see if the '10 has big discounts this winter.
i bought my first prius (2007) for an odd reason - i had driven one as a rental after being rear-ended in my mid-sized american sedan. i liked the size of the prius - i am only 5'1 and i liked not feeling like i was having to strain to see over the steering wheel. i loved the cargo space. i gave this one to my daughter who is also short, and lives and works in a very eco-friendly town. it had just shy of 40K on it, and has not had the first hint of a problem she is thrilled to have it. then i bought a 2010 pkg 4 and like it even better. it feels a little more substantial but still allows me to see over the steering wheel. i like not having the giant gas consumption screen, and can use my garmin to nav if i don't know where i am going. i am not getting quite the mileage as i did in my 2008, but i am also using it mainly for short trips. i am a happy prii owner.