I had a car once (I think it was a Ford Contour) with manual shift. The mat got under the clutch pedal, so I could not depress it enough to shift into gear, or start the car. It took me a while to catch on to the issue. I could see this problem happening with loose mats, not the properly anchored ones. I have no plan to remove the mat in my car.
I do not intend to remove the floor mat. It is a bunch of crap! Mine is held in just fine with the factory clips and has not nor will ever move as long as it is attached correctly. This is not the manufacturer's fault if they are put in correctly. As are most cars made from 1999 forward. This is the consumers problem if the clips are there. Some things people need to take a little responsibility for themselves. If someone installs an aftermarket mat and has an accident, tell me how it is the manufacturers fault, HUH? Some idiots are just too SUE happy!
I didn't remove it; there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, I have an additional heavy duty terry colth mat to protect the original mat. Never any slippage with either.
Hell Yes...... took 'em out Vacuumed, Washed, Dried them. Then I checked the retaining clip, oh a spot of dirt here, got it. Then PROPERLY reinstalled them in Baby. Looks Good again It's unfortunate the accident vehicle had a 3rd party set of mats installed that were impropely cut for the car. That contributed to the sad chain of events. Now ALL floor mats are "The Villian". Sadder still, the car was a loaner from the dealer. So lets all cover our asses and BURN ALL FLOORMATS!!!! Witches, Floormats, burn them!!! OR.... We could use a little common sense here, go out check your mats. If the driver side mat is screwed up, FIX THE PROBLEM, remove or replace as needed. I just got off the phone with my dealership, the first response was, "Well yes, come on in and we will remove them for you". I replied, well how about if the retaining clips are OK and the mat is nowhere near the gas pedal, there should not be a reason to get rid of the mat. I then asked, so really it comes down to.. A - If your car has the wrong mats, or loose mats, dump them. B - If your clips are working correctly, and your mat is not shifting, you don't really have a problem, correct? Response.."Well, YES"
No mat removal here too! But it's an constant eye-sore to see that cheapo 1-piece-molded plastic-ky accel pedal in place. Toyota can't make the Prius look much cheaper than that..... Even my home's PS3 Steering Wheel set (w/Padels) for GT5 game is better, its accel pedal is a 2-hinges spring loaded design.
When I heard of this "problem" , I had no intention of removing the dealer supplied floor mat on the driver's side. When I looked at it, however, I noticed that there was no clip of any type holding the mat. There are holes in the mat for this purpose, but no clips.
That is a defect that should be fixed by the dealer. Is Toyota shipping some cars with mat clips and some without?
I'm kind of thinking. If they want to just have me come in and remove my carpet floor mat. Toyota better be willing to have the dealer shampoo my carpet regularly, and give me something in writing that they will replace the carpet if it wears out or gets hopelessly stained. Can you imagine the dealer lowballing your trade in on a worn carpet?
Keeping my all weather mats. I bought them from the dealer after the car buy in 2005. I installed them with the supplied clips in the package. Still holding strong and no slip-ups to speak of. Good luck out there, check your mats. When Matt is in trouble, his wife calls him Door-Matt!!! Hasta la PZEV amigos
I not only have the carpet without the plastic clips but have a rug sample from the carpet store on top of it and never had a problem with them getting messed up with the gas or brake peddle. I will not be taking them out at all.
The retention hooks are supplied with the OEM mats. If you order a new car with the OEM mats, the dealer is supposed to install the retention hooks and the mats before delivering the car to you. It's really inexcusable when a dealer installs the mats without first installing the hooks. But it seems to be happening with a frequency that's alarming to me. It happened with my sister and her new Avalon. It happened with john_dough and his new Prius. It happened with others who've reported it in other threads on PriusChat. And these are only the people I know of. I'm sure there are many others.
Hey, I came back here after a long time away just to find out what I should do. Seems like I should do nothing. Having said that, I DID remove the original carpet floor mat and replaced with the highly overpriced Toyota rubber mat back when I bought the car. Rubber mat is attached to the hook. Rubber mat stays and carpet mat remains under the mat in the hatch.
I've asked several people with affected vehicles (not just the Prius) and none of them felt the need to take action. It did bring up the opportunity to remind people that they should be able to shift into neutral or press and hold the power button to turn off the car.
So do you think the dealer will automatically remove your floor mat the next time you take your car in for service? If it's a recall and if he doesn't, then is he liable if a related accident occurs?
No, because anytime my car goes in for service from now on I'll take the driver side mat out first. It's akin to checking your oil level (and plug and cap) and tire pressure after a dealer visit.
I looked my floormats over today. I see no reason for them to get in the way.There is so much space between the pedal and mat.I have seen some ford mats with only one hook to hold them end up underneath pedal and could cause concerns,but with a double hook,I don't think there would be a problem. This is a retired technician talking and after 40 yrs in the business I think I know what I am talking about.
The only way they will remove my driver floor mat is from under my cold, dead, feet. :canada::whoo: Gary or should I have typed "foot" ---- but I suppose if one is dead the other is probably dead too!
Hey, you're back! Too bad you didn't/couldn't sign in with your original username/avatar. What you should do: Look at your mat once in awhile. Is it still attached properly, and where it belongs? You're good.