I always do the speed limit. I am tall gated and passed all the time. People look at me like I am nuts! Perhaps they will slow down when gas hits $5.00 a gallon. :rain: or at least $7.00 a gallon.
I have noticed that the general speed of traffic has slowed down (people aren't whipping by me quite as fast as before), and sometimes I even have company in the right lane driving 55 mph......that's new. There also seem to be fewer cars on the road, it might be because it is summertime and some folks are on vacations (or staycations). We'll see what happens when school is back in session, post Labor day. We had some of my wife's family over and were discussing gasoline prices. Everyone in the discussion had cut down their speed while driving on the highway from 5 - 10 mph from what they drove before the recent ascent in gasoline prices.
I have noticed less trucks on the road, not the trucks wallys drive to work and back, the type of truck that does deliveries. Very few trucks on the roads compared to normal.
I always go a few miles an hr over the speed limit traffic and weather permitting. But I have noticed most cars drive slower now. Every once in a while you will still get the impatient adult acting like a child who weaves in and out and goes twice the limit, but I laugh when I almost always pull up next to them at the next light
In general yes, people do seem to be driving a little slower. OK, at least some people, certainly not all. Again, in general, the average traffic speed seems to have dropped to around the speed limit. The exception seems to be I-95 and the few true jerks that just don't seem to car. Coming to work this morning, when I got off the freeway, there was a normal amount of traffic doing about the speed limit. Weaving through this traffic was a couple of jerks doing easily 55. They're definitely the exception, but the now seem much more angry. I'm not exactly sure how one can be sure of someone's emotional state based on how they're driving (OK, you can get hints, but that's not what I said ), so maybe it's that their aberrant behavior is just standing out more now.
No. The pickup trucks still blow by me with their kids and huntin' dogs in the back holding on for dear life. The kids and the dogs may not be fed, but Cletus will still have money for smokes, gas and beer.
Yes, we've noticed a slowing down in the Milwaukee area. It's to the point where the speeding, lane-changers are more visible, if that makes any sense. There also seems to be less impatient drivers from Milwaukee to Madison, via I-94. I do wonder how long this will last (if I'm right about people slowing down). I suspect that it would be "back to the good 'ol days" if gas prices drop. Probably a lot of pent up speeders out there. I could be guilty of that myself in the past. Someone posted that all cars should have the real time mpg feature. I agree. It really makes us more conscientious drivers, regarding fuel consumption anyway.