<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SW03ES @ Nov 14 2006, 05:07 PM) [snapback]349108[/snapback]</div> Let me get this right... - freeway has three lanes going in one direction - I'm in the rightmost one - Drivers can easily pass me in one of the two lanes to the left - It's not rush hour yet - Speed limit is 60 - I'm going between 50-55 So you are saying I'm as bad or worse than the guy weaving at 75+? Who is breaking the law? (again, occasionally these agressive drivers choose to pass on the shoulder or access road, even when they can legally do it on the left) Hate to say this, SW03ES but in a 60mph zone before rush hour, they issue tickets going 10+ over, not 10 or less under. Lane changing and other aggressive tatics also gets pullovers. Using your logic, young women are asking to get raped if they don't wear burkas or some other very conservative dress. Kind of sad that going in a pack above the speed limit is being encouraged unless a State Trooper is pacing. "The majority choose to speed - keep up with them" - this is high moral ground?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Delta Flyer @ Nov 14 2006, 10:43 PM) [snapback]349293[/snapback]</div> Hey, why stop at 50? Why not do 35 or 40? Why not just come to a complete stop in the middle of the highway, you won't be using ANY gas then!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Nov 14 2006, 09:50 PM) [snapback]349298[/snapback]</div> No need to be childish - those speeds are inefficient and definitely illegal. The first two years, my hybrid was in four collisions. While the other guy was to blame legally, 2-3 of them were because I went 10-15mph over the speed limit. In the four years since, I've rarely speeded and avoided any accidents. There will be skeptics, but I bet most of you would agree that males 18-25 speed the most. Guess who also has the highest insurance rates?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Delta Flyer @ Nov 14 2006, 10:57 PM) [snapback]349301[/snapback]</div> lol no $hit how about if i wipe my nice person in a downward motion instead of upward... is that "inefficient" too
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cephalicprius @ Nov 14 2006, 10:02 PM) [snapback]349303[/snapback]</div> A few of you guys are proving my hunch that bad anger management and speeding go hand in hand. In my prior post My temper was worse when I was going 10-15 over the limit. Got in four collisions (2-3 avoidable). It ended when the speeding did. It's been repeated several times that even when there are two open freeway lanes to the left, going at or just below the speed limit is still an obsticle. Also mentioned I would not go in an HOV lane below the pack speed. The only question about some of the irrational responses to going near at the speed limit is whether or not beer was involved in the replies.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(silentak1 @ Nov 14 2006, 10:27 PM) [snapback]349288[/snapback]</div> People are just crazy, it has nothing to do in the Prius. I do agree that people do seem more aggressive around the Prius, but I think that has more to do with it being small than being a hybrid. If the flow of traffic is going faster than you, then you are an obstacle and you are endangering yourself and others on the roadway. Yes Ask a cop, in most states (I'd dare to say all states) it is ILLEGAL to operate your vehicle on a highway at a speed that is "significantly" lower than the flow of traffic. In Maryland it is a ticketable and point valued offense. I know for a fact that they give tickets for it, because I know people who have gotten them. I think you're being a little over dramatic. I'd hardly compare the horror and violation of rape to you being ego-dly castrated by being passed on the shoulder while driving. I think you owe some very traumatized women an apology for such a ludicrous analogy. Who said anything about going above the speed limit? I'm just telling you to get over yourself and stop endangering everyone on the road around you by driving 10 MPH under the limit to where people would become so angry as to pass you on the shoulder in some rediculously vain attempt to get better gas mileage. IMHO we need drivers like you off the road just as much as we do speeders and tailgaters. You are dangerous. Lets get real here, people are nuts but for drivers to pass you ON THE SHOULDER and take that risk upon themselves, they didn't just choose not to use those "two lanes" you're talking about. They came up behind you and had to slam on their brakes because they were boxed in, THATS why they pass you on the shoulder. I drive 25,000 miles a year and I have NEVER been passed on the shoulder. I don't speed either, I drive the flow of traffic. For someone to pass you on the shoulder, you needed to be going a LOT slower than the flow of traffic. That is extremely dangerous. 10MPH is a lot at highway speeds, if the limit is 60 and you're going 50, and another driver comes up behind you at 60 it can be very difficult to judge distances and relative speed. One day you will get rear ended, I promise you. And for you to be involved in 4 accidents in two years that involved you travelling at significant speed? Maybe theres even more reason for you to be off the road...
I am tired of all the different "rages" out there. Rage is rage. An angry person will be angry on a chat board, in the car, at a public event, etc. BTW, speeding will get you pulled over faster than going slow anyay. Proving "obstructing traffic" is a heck of a lot harder than proving speeding. It is RARE when you HAVE to go with the flow at 80 mph. We just don't like being passed. I have NEVER had a problem with going the speed limit or 5 under in the far right lane. Now, going 10 under or more is stupid...if the freeway scares you, don't drive on it. You are statistically safer going 10 over on an interstate than going the speed limit on secondary roads. As a cop, I appreciate people who drive safely for conditions (including going with the flow if it is required) However, I do NOT appreciate people who drive out of ignorance about what conditions truly are. Oh, driving real slow means I start thinking you are 1)drunk, 2) lost, 3)ill, or 4)in need of a driving re-test. I'll stop you and find out, and send you on your way if appropriate. Going slow means going slow as per the speed limit, going 55 (speed limit) while everyone else is going 85 will not get you stopped by me (just my prayers no one will hurt you are cause a crash. The person who causes a crash being enraged by a slow driver IS the cause, not the person going slow. We ALL are responsible for the way we drive.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Nov 15 2006, 12:53 PM) [snapback]349569[/snapback]</div> This may be the first time since joining this board that I agree with you, Schmika!!!!! Thanks for your insight...
Now, now children. Try being nice for a change. It's remarkable how a couple of apparently ill-adjusted, unhappy folks can spoil a productive thread. Some drivers seem to say, "How DARE you inconvenience ME by driving at a reasonable speed when I want to drive above the legal limit!!" Statistics speak to speed being a factor in so many accidents. I believe it's selfish "me first" attitudes that contribute to agressive and unsafe driving. Some spoiled children don't change... just get older. As for me, I hope to stay out of their way, and be safe. Dallas is preparing to install 60 traffic light cameras by next Spring to hopefully reduce "red light runners" and thus reduce intersection accidents caused by those with the "I'm too important to be delayed by a red traffic signal!" mindset. Sounds a lot like the same attitude of Interstate speeders.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(donee @ Nov 14 2006, 06:37 PM) [snapback]349138[/snapback]</div> Those are not my sentiments (we have a prius too! ), but reflect a sample of the comments from another enthusiest site.
For the record, I have nothing against going the speed limit. I will even travel under the speed limit if conditions warrant it (e.g., rain, fog, etc.) and question the sanity of those going above the speed limit. However, going more than five MPH below the speed limit on a road with good conditions is no more nor no less stupid than going 20 MPH above. And to those talking about safety, note how accidents have gone down in places where they went from a 55 MPH speed limit to 65 MPH. I'm not a speed demon. I just don't like mobile road blocks, either.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Nov 15 2006, 12:42 PM) [snapback]349602[/snapback]</div> LMAO at this POV! For a 65 mph speed limit - pretty common on the interstate - five under is 92%... and that's too slow and dangerous? As dangerous as someone going 131% of the limit (85 in a 65)?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(McShemp @ Nov 15 2006, 03:25 PM) [snapback]349704[/snapback]</div> I'm not advocating that people should break the law and ignore the speed limit, but I think what some here are saying is that it's not the % of the speed limit but rather the speed of the flow of traffic. If the flow of traffic is moving at 70+mph in a 65mph speed limit area (just for the sake or argument let's say all lanes), I think it's more dangerous to be driving at 60mph than at the speed of the flow of traffic.
Some of you need to chill out. Note below, I own a 3rd gen RX-7 - painted "I'm over here officer" yellow. This car has over 300 HP and weights 2800 lbs, corners unbelievably, and is often referred to as a "supercar". I get the same treatment as many of you are describing, even by idiots in mini-vans! I usually drive around 5-10% above the limit - unless the road is deserted. Then I can -almost- use the car as it was intended. Well, not really. It can go very close to 300 km/hr, and I can't do that! EVER! My point being, it's not the car. It's the people on the road.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Nov 15 2006, 12:53 PM) [snapback]349569[/snapback]</div> For once, I'm agreeing with the cop. Great point
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dancekat59 @ Nov 15 2006, 03:57 PM) [snapback]349731[/snapback]</div> Exactly. Maybe next we can talk about people who try to merge onto a 70+ mph freeway but won't go over 45 mph on the entrance ramp. Then they can't get in, so they come to a complete stop at the top of the ramp and sit there with their blinker on. :angry:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SW03ES @ Nov 14 2006, 06:07 PM) [snapback]349108[/snapback]</div> Some people are just rude. A year ago, with my old car, I was driving my son to the Philadelphia airport at 6:00 am on a Saturday morning. I was going the speed limit, in the right hand lane, and there wasn't any other visible traffic going in my direction. Suddenly, another car came speeding up from behind me. I didn't change speed - there were three lanes to the left of me, all empty. The other car sped up almost to my rear bumper, flashed the headlights at me, then FINALLY pulled over to the left to pass me (I didn't see him signal, but he was so close to me when he pulled left, it's possible that I just couldn't see the signal). I don't think I was being an obstacle, and there was plenty of room for the driver to pull to the left well in advance. I assume the goal was to get me to speed up - and I think the other car was going sufficiently enough faster than me that he wouldn't have been able to judge my speed within 10 MPH.
I try to stay within 10 of the posted speed limit and will yield to anyone going faster who wants to pass on the left. But if I'm in the carpool lane and someone comes up FAST 80+mph, I don't think it is rude to stay in the lane. I'm going more than fast and if the driver doesn't have the skills to pass...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Charles Suitt @ Nov 15 2006, 01:32 PM) [snapback]349593[/snapback]</div> Isn't it a shame that a couple of smug, arrogant, self important people assume that just because people advocate driving the flow of traffic that they are ill-adjusted, unhappy, children. Your signature: PLEASE add me to the list of people who's opinions you are too good to read and put me on your ignore list with those people who didn't consult you before choosing a posting style. I feel like I'm offending you with my childishness and my foolish viewpoints that insanely don't mess mesh with yours which are obviously the be all and end all of truth. I and the other unfortunately wayward youths will re-evaluate how we've been living our lives in the hopes that one day you may grace us again with the esteemed honor of looking at our posts! What a joke. Wow...the egos on this board sometimes are ASTOUNDING.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cobra9 @ Nov 15 2006, 05:40 PM) [snapback]349806[/snapback]</div> Yes going slower that the posted speed limit you do become a hazzard. Lets all agree that basically we are breaking the law by going faster than the posted limit. Like Stealing it is still against the law, no matter how much you take, unless you steal mine then it's a Federal Offence. And if they had enough Troopers the State could make a ton of money with all the fines they could and would issue. Thus ending property taxes. And for the most part the cops and even state vehicles are going faster that the posted speed limit. My local paper published that for the most part State Troopers with radar allow 10 mpr over the speed limit. Locals allow 5 or 10. In Central Pa on I-81 the speed limit in congested areas is posted 55 out of town is 65. The problem is not doing 60 in a 55, it's doing 75 in a 55 in high volume traffic completely surrounded by 18 wheelers that can't stop as fast as you. Then lets add the rubber necking that drops the 60-65 instantly to 25. Not to mention, as was said before about those that come down the on ramp doing 45 come out in 60 - 65 traffic continue to do 45 for half a mile then all of a sudden they're up to 70 and gone. maybe they where ajusting their Nitro tanks. For the most part what scares me is that not only are we all going faster but most of US are doing other things besides driving. And why is it most people no matter what speed they are going will hit the brakes when they see a COP. Thus instanly going from 60-65 to 45? Again creating a hazzard.