Has anyone installed the BT Brace on the 2006?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by windstrings, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Humm... well let me tell you about my fun experience!....

    I took the factory plate off with no problem... it came off easy.
    I could not flex it in my hand... but it did look aweful flimsy for something that is supposed to take the pressure and torque of the car twisting and turning.

    I think its main purpose is a glorified string that holds the two sides together to keep it from going out and in...

    I really think the "out and In" are the major issues... the twisting may come into play, but to a minor less noticable degree in my opinion.

    I order two of the BT plates.. the first one appeared to have different holes than the second one. The first one had holes that were barely big enough for the screws to fit thru.. but the second one was really nice.

    Anyway... the mounting screws are stainless, but just because thier stainless don't make the mistake into thinking their extremly hard "because thier not!"

    My torque wrench slipped its settings and I twisted one off! I was trying to torque 36lbs instead of 24!

    I had to take the whole plate off and go to my mechanic and we put it up in the air and used a drill and easy outs and got it out.
    Fortunately, the 6mm metric bolt was easy to find at my local hardware store.

    The rest of my install was uneventful and the next car went very quick "about 5 minutes".

    One the trip to my mechanic the bar was completely off. I drove it about 6 miles and to be honest I could not really tell a difference.
    However once I put the BT plate on it seems I could tell the difference between that
    and not running a plate at all.

    I haven't driven it too long yet, but I can say at 70mph if I barely turn the wheel fast to change lane position and then back, its "very" responsive. The car drove good before, so its hard to tell, but its definately not "worse". I really feel like its better than the stock plate, but I can't say for sure without any doubt. Its just to subliminal to tell... I didn't try flying around corners or jumping cliffs yet...

    I don't regret buying it, its a really fine product with alot of class.... Its just ashamed its hidden underneath the car!

    I'm sure you could go to a metal shop and get them to cut you piece of 1/4 steel that would be just as effective and way way cheaper.... but it woudn't be a machined piece of anodized steel either.
    The fact that is anodized can really be appreciated for folks who drive with salt on the road!
    Like I say.. I don't regret buying it at all.

    The real acid test is "would you buy it again if you had it to do all over again?"

    Well the jury is still out, after all I just put them on a few hours ago, but I think I would.. the car does drive like a dream!
  2. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Note for the future: Stainless is NOT the material of choice if you want strong bolts. Good corrosion resistance, but not all that strong.

    I think the ONLY way to be sure is to try a blind test. Tell somebody to take the plate OFF your car without you knowing it. See if/when you notice.
  3. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Agreed, you would need to set up a course or something.. there really is a placebo effect of expecting results and so you get them.

    But I am very pleased with the feel of my car!

    I used to play with stainless in a fab shop and I knew it to be 10 times harder than normal metals, but they obviously make soft stuff too.

    Its plenty hard for 24lbs of torque, esp with the grease on them, but just beware to others, if you want to reef on them, you can twist them off!
  4. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Ok..another day has gone and I"ve driven my car another 60 miles or so.

    Now I'm even more convinced the ride is more sure and quicker responding to my commands with the steering wheel.

    When I corner at high speeds like going around these funky on ramps we have here, the car stays flatter and feels more like a sports car as to the way it handles and hugs the road.

    I really think the stiffer plate forces the car to stay perfectly level as comparing the right side to the left when cornering.

    I also crossed the 205 bridge today "about a 2 mile bridge across the Columbia River", twice and the East wind was blowing about 20ish or so and I didn't feel like I was getting toosed at all.

    The other day the wind was a little stronger, but I saw other cars that didn't appear to be getting tossed and I was.

    I think this is an improvement.

    I'm think its a good purchase and I'm surprised Toyota hasn't done this before now. The think the existing plate keeps the car from pulling apart or together at that flex point, but I can't see that it is strong enough to do scarcely anything for flexing up and down.

    I do believe the BT plate has solved that.
  5. BT Tech

    BT Tech New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
    South Florida
    2005 Prius
    Thanks Windstrings for your comments on our stiffening plate. I think that you will also notice that the car feels more solid when driving over uneven or broken pavement. The best way to describe the feeling is that the car has a more "refined" feel to it.

    Thanks again!!

    BT Tech

  6. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Your Welcome!.... I've been having quite a hard time formulating the right words to express the feedback I get from the car now.

    "refined"?... humm.... I guess that according to your interpretation of that word.. but yes, it makes the car feel more like an expensive car that is very tight.

    I think with the stock there is "flex" that is not really even noticable "until its gone!"

    So many things in life are that way... stress, contentment, security etc..... hard to tell you have it till its gone.
    Well in this case it's hard to tell you have it, "the slop" till its gone!

    I'm sure some will say its a placebo effect... I was really on guard to not allow myself to fall into that, but I drove again the second day since its been installed and I"m even more convinced and pleased with the drive and feel and I'm really trying to be as objective as I can.

    There not many things you can do for a car for 160.00 bucks that will improve the ride, unless its get new tires... but they will cost you double that and most likely hurt mpg unless your very thoughtful in your choices.
  7. jbarnhart

    jbarnhart New Member

    Jan 3, 2004
    Santa Clara, CA
    By golly, you're right! It IS more refined! I have people in limos pulling up next to me at stoplights and asking for Grey Poupon!

    (Just kidding -- I already posted that I love my BT stiffening plate)
  8. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    I guess that makes it kinda like "viagra" for my prius?
  9. veedubdrew

    veedubdrew Junior Member

    Mar 11, 2004
    Los Angeles
    Well I got my plate in the mail a few days ago. It is indeed a beautiful piece, but I'm having a helluva time getting it on the car.

    For those of you who just reached under the car and removed the old one, I'm in awe! According to the instructions, I need a 12mm socket (which I have) and the appropriate ratchet (which I also have).

    Unfortunately, there's no way for me to get the socket all the way over the bolt and I appear to be just grabbing the bottom edges of it. The stock plate is such that it interferes with the socket and I can't get enough torque on it to crack it off before it dismounts, grinding off the skin on my knuckles in the process.

    So...I figured I'd go get a specific 12mm wrench in addition to the torque wrench I'd need and get the stupid bolts off that way. No go. Same problem as before, I can't get a good enough mount on the bolt head.

    So now I'm in this $40 for the torque wrench, $15 for the special "M6" adapter required for the new bolts (if I ever get that far), $20 for the 12mm wrench (naturally, they only came in a set of three, grrr) and of course $160 for the plate. I'd imagine I also have myself a stripped bolt head as well after all my fooling around, so add in, what, $50 to have it tapped out?

    I'm in this $235 with no progress, so it's turning out to be a rather expensive toy.

    To those of you who did this with the car on the ground, can you provide some pointers? I'm mystified as to how anyone could possibly get the stock plate off in this fashion. I'm very slender (no problems squeezing under), I'm relatively strong, and I'm having no luck! Help!

  10. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Bummer, Drew!

    No advice from my end just yet. The brace is still safely on the bench where it can't hurt anybody. I plan on installing it tomorrow morning however, so I'll see if I can get any answers for you. I think I'll use ramps so I can better see what's going on. Certainly LOOKS simple enough, eh? If I can't get the stock bolts off, I have a plasma torch that doesn't take no for an answer.
  11. NuShrike

    NuShrike Active Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    2005 Prius
    I'm getting this feeling with just new high-performance tires and the stock plate. It's weird two different mods can create the same effect.
  12. BT Tech

    BT Tech New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
    South Florida
    2005 Prius
    Hello Drew.. The only thing that I can think of is that perhaps the bolts that hold on the stock plate on your car are coated with a thick undercoating applied by the dealer.

    In this case it would be a lot easier to put the car on a lift or to jack it up so you can see what is going on under there. If this coating is preventing you from attaching the socket properly, you can usually simply tap the socket over the bolt so that it grips the bolt and then you can proceed to remove it.

    Once you remove the 4 bolts that hold on the factory plate, installing ours is just a matter of installing our bolts and tightening to the specified torque.

    Please feel free to give me a call tomorrow if you have any questions or I can help in anyway.


    BT Tech

  13. veedubdrew

    veedubdrew Junior Member

    Mar 11, 2004
    Los Angeles
    No undercoating, unfortunately. I'm going to take the car to a shop tomorrow and pay to have my efforts corrected. I'll report back. Thanks for your reply.

  14. BT Tech

    BT Tech New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
    South Florida
    2005 Prius
    Thanks Drew. I look forward to your report once you get your new stiffening plate installed!!


    BT Tech

  15. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    to make life simple, go spend a little more and get some car ramps. They will not fit under the front unless you park your car so the front is at the end of your driveway where it dips down.. otherwise they will hit the underside before it get to the tire.

    ***But at any rate............... it works better in the back anyway.. that where the plate is at.

    Make sure the torque setting doesn't slip.. I twisted one off as it slipped to 36ft/lbs instead of 24.

    As stated, I did this too.. the stainless bolts are indeed stainless, but they are pretty soft.. so be careful.
    But if you get the car up where you can get underneath, you can drill a hole in the remaining twisted shaft of the bolt and get it out with easy outs or even reverse threaded drill bits..... although it in tight, it has the grease on it, so it will come out with some persuation.
    But I took mine to my mechanic and he got it out for me very simply since he had the right tools.

    yea, but you have more tools for next time you do something.. never hurts to have tools!

    The problem I see with this procedure is that in order to get the needed 24ft/lbs of torque, you really need to have your 6mm allen head inserted "all the way in".. not half way, not a third... then it will not angle and strip the bolt head of the 6mm teeth.

    It takes alot of strength at such a funky angle to hold the weight of the torque wrench and get the allen head all the way in and turn it without it coming back out.

    Its sure easier if you can use the other hand to stablize it while turning the torque with the other.

    I suspect that most people who install by simply crawling under the car are using a light wrench and guessing at the torque...
    My hat too is off to whoever can do it properly by simply crawling underneath.

    I suggest getting ramps, or going down to your local gas station and let them pop it up in the air for you.. they will prob charge you nill.

    but don't give up... its worth it!.. I'm very pleased with my ride!
  16. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Maybe so, maybe not... I thought my car ran so nice, I really doubted it would improve with the plate.... but nagivating tight corners, blasts of wind and general stability changed my feel. What before felt like a really nice luxury car changed to a nice sportscar feel! Even the steering feels tighter as the car responds tighter to your movements....I feel like I could dodge a marble on the road!

    I could be totally hypnotized, but I'm convinced its a nice improvement.

    When I first installed mine, I wasn't completely sure I could tell a difference until to took it out on the mountain roads and spent some time in the car. You won't notice so much on freeways that dont' challenge the car, but take it out and give it a real spin and you'll be convinced!
  17. veedubdrew

    veedubdrew Junior Member

    Mar 11, 2004
    Los Angeles
    LOL I wish I could get that far! I have yet to get the *factory* plate off the car, let alone get to torquing on the new plate.

    As for the ramps, I live in a massive building of lofts in downtown Los Angeles, and the parking situation is tight, to say the least. No room for the ramps, and no luck getting the freaking factory plate off, so I'll just put my tail between my legs and head to a repair shop.


  18. jceh1

    jceh1 Junior Member

    Oct 26, 2005
    Long Island, New York
    i have found that the sockets that look like spark plug sockets but have alot of little pins in them (supposed to adapt to the bolt size) work pretty well on bolts with rounded heads/ You might want to try that to get the stripped bolts out.
  19. BT Tech

    BT Tech New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
    South Florida
    2005 Prius
    Hello guys.. I have received a bunch of emails asking if I can post some more pictures of our stiffening plates during the machining process.

    Here are some more pictures for all of you guys that asked!!


    BT Tech
  20. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    The job is a two minute job once you have the car up and the right tools... just take it to a mechanic or any shop... I bet they would charge you 5 bucks, or maybe nothin...