No, I'm not a Kiwi. I have vowels. Lots of them. The Little Satan is Britain. But it's 20 years since I lived there. I go back a lot to see my parents, my sister and the extended family, though.
If hkmb is not 'current', it might be interesting to learn silhouettes of modern military aircraft. Never now what might whiz by Don't be taking photos though. In fact, there are many things one ought not to photograph there. Or so the story goes. Back to safer topics. Food. If you develop a taste for tadig (bottom of the pot), you can make it at home in your rice cooker. Bacon? Nope.
Yes, it would be useful to know whether I need to find shelter. The food is definitely one of the things I'm looking forward to.
Kebab, kebab, keblah blah blah. But there is skill in yogurt. Saffron. Pomegranates. TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!
Well, your current home town is the only place where I have been forced to intervene in an argument that began with the shout "You're making my underwear smell of kebabs!" But there seem to be a lot of stews and grilled things that sound intriguing and delicious. And lots of eggplant (aubergine in English!) and lots of lamb. All of which sound lovely. From the sound of things, you'll have to find some foreign ancestry and get yourself a foreign passport if you'd like to come.
Flights are booked.... It's all very exciting. I think it might turn out to be the most foreign place I've ever been.
Geopolitical events have already affected the holiday: we were originally planning to go to Hawaii, but have now chosen to go to Iran instead.