While that could be a consequence, I’m just looking for their removal from the payroll at that age . I’m being hopeful with the use of the word “could” too.
Definitely nothing wrong with the trades for a profession. Out here, their call out fee is equivalent to an electrician . I’ll take a productive member of society.
idk, keeping peoples homes up and running seems productive to me. you don't have to charge the going rate, no one will complain
Oh it is. And there are plenty out here who go lower than that rate . The trick is finding the good ones, or DIY.
agreed, it is a trick, almost like magic. i've done my fair share of diy. now that i can afford to pay someone, the prices still burn me
I could make a case for paying someone (and the wife does on occasion). But I am still physically able, so I figure we’ll save some coin so we can retire sooner. Every little bit helps.
the other could i tried was 'i could buy you a ladder, and give you 20k, instead of a wedding'. so far, no takers
We’re aiming high. I’m thinking 20 years from now, things aren’t getting any cheaper, so the kitty needs to have $$$ in it now to let time work for us. It’s amazing what time does for investments. I tell that to the millennials on my staff all the time and some of them are listening .
Nice tact. But too focused on short term “needs”. Her brother is similar and not focused on the long term picture . Come inheritance time, it’ll be interesting to see what happens .
that's funny, my brother and i are like that. he bought a new mercedes, mine went right into the market
It’s amazing how there are always similar situations in life. They come from the same parents, but completely different values. I’m glad the wife is the thrifty type.
Some are more potent at that the others. I get quotes before we proceed with any work out here, even with people we have used in the past . Gotta keep em honest .
It was the main line drain to the street. All I could afford was for them to clear it. It needs to be replaced to the tune of $20,000 according to them. I am waiting for money to fall from the sky, then I will get qoutes up the whazoo