Not in Chicago, which has/had the countries toughest gun laws. You also need to consider that more states have instituted concealed carry and gun ownership has spiked in the last ten years. You can't attribute the reduction in gun violence to gun control laws and in the same breath declare that to many guns or guns cause violence is the problem.
It's simple human nature. 1. If someone wants to take advantage of someone , the bully always brings an advantage to reduce his risk. 2. If someone feels taken advantage of, they want an equalizer. Especially if they are not young and virile and a not a fighter or know how. 3. When both sides are equal, they cancel each other out and there's peace. We have a country of unarmed people that are vulnerable like sheep in a fence when the wolf comes. Take away the deterrent from our society "police and armed guards" and watch what human nature does! Police cannot be there when the crisis is happening, it's too late... Neither do they want to be there. If they shoot someone their job is on the line. Civilized people with plenty and not addicted to powerful drugs or hungry don't understand the forces at work. _____________________________________ Alan
You bring up a good point. If the black family is 80% single families and the culture now teaches to devalue life maybe you have a point. Could you say black people can not handle freedom? Have they forgotten what they fought for just 50 years ago. They fought so they would not be called the "N" word but today they embrace it. They point out the race card but refuse to see it in there own culture. Are we witnessing the self destruction of a race? A lot to think about. SCH-I535 ? 2 Yes but when 80% of the crimes are committed by black people, what happened? SCH-I535 ? 2 Wow very good information. More people should read this. SCH-I535 ? 2
One of my local media outlets carried an interview with this veteran/clerk in the online offering this morning, but the story seems to have vanished this afternoon and Search cannot find it.
I'm a little conflicted over this. Wish the vet would have put him down or taken him out completely, scum like that will do it again.
I would have definitely taken his gun as a keepsake that s****** didn't need it anymore! _____________________________________ Alan
I haven't carried a gun since the 50's when in Korea, so I haven't had anything to contribute to this thread. But today I received an email that I think is worth posting. From my son, "Happy Birthday, Every so often someone will ask me where did I learn shoot or reload. I always say my dad taught me. My first thought is, how else do you learn these things? But many shooters my age or younger have come to this sport later in life and on their own. Better late then never I suppose but some things you should learn from your dad. Thanks."