You hit it on the head... Psych patients are no longer dealt with unless deemed a danger to themselves or others... And they're not deemed a problem unless they are stupid enough to say so or actually commit offenses. We medicate them and send them into society and do nothing unless they first do harm. To save money we no longer treat proactively but rather wait until the fire happens and spend our energies putting out wildfires, it will only get worse with the coming changes in the medical system. This poor dead mother knew there were serious problems but no one would do anything to protect the patients rights. Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
It's interesting how the Obama staff left Fort Hood off the list for mass killings. Mark Levin: "How Come Obama Did Not Mention Fort Hood?" | RealClearPolitics Here we have a place were trained military personnel "by the US government" skillful in their weapons were not allowed to carry them, and so some whack job with 2 pistols killed whom he pleased. "killed 13, wounded 29 others"... . That's 42 people! Doesn't work on a military base but its supposed to work out here? Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
Based on how she is holding it, and the lack of a nasty shiner, I take it this picture was taken before her first shot?
Well, this is not a gun but it beautifully illustrates the benefits of having protection on you and the two prevailing thoughts on the matter. One says... Give him what he wants. The other says "no" We delude ourselves into thinking we are refined and civilized, but that earns no respect with criminals and terrorist. Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
Yay Texas! I just found out many Texas schools are starting to activate a law already on the books that allows some teachers and certain faculty staff to be armed and act as Marshalls with authorization to use deadly force under certain circumstances negating they need to hire a professional Marshalls. This would allow much more exposure and increase the likelihood someone would be close if an event happened, I have a feeling no such events will happen in schools which enforced this because there would be a deterrent. Villalba: Allow Teachers to Carry Concealed Guns — Public Education | The Texas Tribune Bill proposes armed marshals at schools | Now we won't have to send our children to school with bullet proof vest or follow them around everyday so we can throw our body between them and the gunman should something happen. It was quite silly being absolutely helpless. The teachers names will all be kept secret Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
maybe its your right to carry a gun but do poeple need to carry a M16? or any automatic? i think obama got a good point there. those are for soldiers not for citicense. it wil take a really long time but over time those things will have to change.. ( yes you can ) i drive below the speed limit and everyone passes me.. no tail gaters
Good morning, Dutchman. Perhaps I can answer your questions. These are not automatic weapons. They are semi-automatic. One pull of the trigger fires one shot. Automatic weapons fire until you let go of the trigger or run out of ammo. Some fire in a three round burst. Automatic rifles are strictly controlled. You have to follow tight rules to own one, pay a lot of money to be able to have one, and pay huge amounts to then purchase one. The M16, AR15, M4, or any variant is, at it's base, a plain old semi-automatic rifle. Take off the stock, handle, and foregrips and it is a rifle like any other. The ONLY difference between an AR15 and grandpa's hunting rifle is that it LOOKS different and holds more rounds. All else is simply cosmetic. People that aren't gun people simply don't understand this. They don't have a clue about what it is they squeal about the loudest. It isn't about NEED. It's about the right to, and that they CAN. Firearms are first and foremost a check on government. What we do with those firearms until they are required for their ultimate purpose is up to us, the law abiding citizen. We own them: -As a shooting sport. Eye/hand coordination. The satisfaction of mastering our abilities. -As a piece of fine machinery. -As a collector of history. The weapons of American military through time. The gun(s) of our fathers. -To hunt. Deer, groundhogs, badgers, coyotes, wild hogs, wild dogs, other varmints. -To protect my life, my family, and property. Not all homes are in the quiet and peaceful suburbs, nor near to police protection. -As a protector of liberty, should it ever come to that. Most states have an irregular militia, and most able bodied adults are a part of it whether they like it or not. To have a weapon suitable for militiary purpose, and to be proficient in its use, is something George Washingto though to be extremely important. -Because they are constitutionally authorized to own them if we wish to. If you have any questions and wish to understand at an other-than-rhetorical level, feel free to ask.
As an addendum, lets discuss "high powered" rifle or ammunition. The round that the AR15 fires is a (civilian) .223 or (military) 5.56 x 45 (military) round. It is classified as an intermediate cartridge. It's is not particularly powerful. Below that round are pistol cartridges: 9mm, .38, .357, 10mm, .40, and .45. There are smaller and there are larger, but those are the most common. There is a thing called a machine pistol, which is a truly automatic firing pistol. They are not common. Submachine guns us sub-rifle cartridges (pistol calibers.) The Uzi, MP5, Thompson use these cartridges. The intermediate rifle calibers are: .223, 6mm, 6.8mm, .248, and any other mostly sub-.30 caliber cartridge. The AK cartridges are .30 caliber, but in a shorter case that reduces the powder charge. The standard rifle rounds are: .303, .30, .308, .30-06, 7.62 x 51, 7.62 x 55. The REALLY high powered rounds are .4x and above. These are used on dangerous game and long distance shooting. The types of rifle actions are bolt action, self loading (semi-automatic, automatic), and automatic actions. The types of pistol actions are bolt action, revolver, self loading (semi-automatic, automatic), and automatic actions. Some of the confusion about semi-auto and automatic may come from the common practice of calling pistols "automatic" pistols. They are actually semi-auto pistols. A truly automatic pistol would be called a machine pistol. Thank you for your patience.
And "semi" automatic includes virtually every pistol "unless your a musket loader,".. LOL! Most modern Revolvers also fire every time you pull the trigger, the others you simply pull back the hammer and another bullet is waiting. Shotguns, over & under, double barrel. All can be considered semiautomatic because you can fire more than one shot in immediate succession. When you place laws wording is critical because" lawyers" get a hold of it! Some may ask why it's a "right"? If someone is attacking you with overwhelming force, do you have the " right" to defend yourself? To clear the mud, less consider this.. .. The intent of the 2nd ammendment is a defensive posture. Fully automatic "which is already outlawed from general public", is more of an offensive weapon. Unless of course you were being attacked by another fully automatic.... There does need to be balance as technology increases. . That's why police had to up their game for weapons. They were being outgunned as local regulations made their job too dangerous. But fully automatic sprays reckless bullets not specifically aimed at one target and so innocent victims can get involved. But remember, those are already banned! If 4 thugs bust in my house "they rarely do it all alone" I want a good semi automatic weapon with plenty of rounds because you don't want to run out if the party is not over yet! Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
An editorial on the differences between Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs. As in the oblivious populations, the people that would prey on them, and the people that would protect them. On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs | SOFREP
That is an awesome article that defines human nature in society. Thanks for posting it. I hope everyone reads it. That was the best article I've seen in some time. Very enlightening! A small taste " Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land." " Some people have a gift for science and some have a flair for art. And warriors have been given the gift of aggression. They would no more misuse this gift than a doctor would misuse his healing arts, but they yearn for the opportunity to use their gift to help others. These people, the ones who have been blessed with the gift of aggression and a love for others, are our sheepdogs. These are our warriors." " Here is how the sheep and the sheepdog think differently. The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day." " not “if/when.” Instead of saying,”If it happens then I will take action,” the warrior says, “When it happens then I will be ready.” It is denial that turns people into sheep. Sheep are psychologically destroyed by combat because their only defense is denial, which is counterproductive and destructive, resulting in fear, helplessness and horror when the wolf shows up. Denial kills you twice. It kills you once, at your moment of truth when you are not physically prepared: You didn’t bring your gun; you didn’t train. Your only defense was wishful thinking. Hope is not a strategy. Denial kills you a second time because even if you do physically survive, you are psychologically shattered by fear, helplessness, horror and shame at your moment of truth." Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
Sure, but I didn't add those since we're talking black rifles and the like. Autos. Still, : -Lever action. Rounds chambered and extracted by a lever under the receiver. Holds about ten rounds. Comes in a variety of chamberings. Most common are .22 and .30-30. -Pump action. Rounds chambered and extracted by a pump slide at the foregrip of the rifle. Holds about ten rounds. Most common chambering comes in .22 caliber. Very common shotgun configuration.
I never had a lever action, but I always think of Lucas McCain. He was loved and without him the town would have been lost to easy pickin wolves. People think we don't live in the wild west but we do in out hearts, nothing has changed except the technology. People still have passions of rage, are jealously, hateful , envious, murderous, and riotous, and according to the good book it will only get worse as the last days draw nearer. Lucas was a hero but today people think he's outdated and of no use and not needed in a cultured sophisticated society such as ours. "lol, cough, sputtering" He earned the reputation as being law man, without guns there is very little while to be had. Today we have told Lucas to keep his badge, but leave his gun in the office. Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
An important point to note is that the guns in the current debate are not soldiers' weapons. The 'automatic' rifles that are soldiers' weapons were very heavily regulated several generations ago, and new ones were effectively banned from the civilian market in 1986. The few crimes I hear involving these guns are with guns that were never part of the legal civilian market, but were smuggled into the country (locally by a Ft. Lewis soldier smuggling a war trophy from Afghanistan) or were stolen from the government. The 'assault weapons' in today's controversy are a lower level of gun, lacking the fully automatic or select fire features used by the military. But the 'ban' faction of the gun control lobby intentionally blurs this non-military distinction. Most news reporters either don't know, don't care, or are intentionally playing along as part of a personal desire to ban additional guns. Last week's horrible tragedy occurred in a state that still has a very strong 'assault weapon' ban, patterned after the temporary federal ban that expired in 2004. The perp used a rifle that was legally purchased by his mother several years ago, and it is still legal under that state's strong Assault Weapon Ban. Therefore it is not (yet) an 'assault weapon'.
I liken it a Hangin. People are fearful so they want to find a scapegoat to hang so to decieve themselves into thinking the bad guy is now gone and they can be safe....... Even though deep down inside they know they hung the wrong man! The president is under pressure to find a solution to make mob feel like he's fixed something..... Even though it's not the problem, that's irrelevant since it makes them feel better. And if the president gets more control & brownie points from his base in the process, its a win-win for him! And we think we're civilized! Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2