A little tangent question: could a personal vehicle over 4000 pounds be considered a weapon? Usually only the driver is in it.
I also believe in universal public service, the Swiss model. Yes, there are some who by faith or choice may do other service. As for weapons ownership, the concealed carry training or periodic weapons qualifications, a type of hunter skill and safety makes sense. If you can't hit the target and demonstrate weapons safety and skills, it is time to 'hang it up.' BTW, I fully endorse older driver testing including safety and regulations. I know it will take more time and resources but better to wait in line than by a grave. As for weapons, I believe there should be a graduated scale that favors long guns and discourages the more easily abused, handguns. It has to do with so many foolish accidents and deaths. If someone wants to own a handgun, periodic weapons qualification should be more frequent and involved based upon weapon lethality. Bob Wilson
I have guns to protect my family in case I don't have the time to call 911 and wait for the police to arrive. If you break into my house, its free for all. Either you shoot me first or I shoot you first and ask questions later. If you shoot me first, I won't be answering any questions. You probably won't be able to answer any questions, too.
i agree with speed. if you are going to engage in criminal activity, you should be prepared to die. i also agree about that part about defending yourself and not relying on 911. call them for sure, but when it's your life or your family's life at stake, then you have to be responsible enough to defend yourself.
Just found this funny gun control ad, thought I share. [ame="http://s951.photobucket.com/albums/ad351/mikecu_photos/?action=view¤t=GunControl.mp4"]GunControl.mp4 video by mikecu_photos - Photobucket[/ame]
This political poster is obsolete. It dates back to about 1981, before I was actually a paying member of the organization that produced it. Not as a true believer, but as just someone interested in the issue and seeking information and dialogue. Since then, the country's murder rate has been slashed. The organization changed to a different name in 2001. The handgun ban that many of its members sought has been ruled unconstitutional. And I became so infuriated with this group's half-truths and distortions that I quit and began paying membership dues to the opposition, losing some political friends in the process. Not that the opposition is very nice either, on an absolute scale. But on a relative scale, it is not any worse. The OP poll is obsolete, as the ban in question is blatantly unconstitutional. If you want to restart a dialogue here, please bring something current to the discussion. And be prepared for the threads to be quickly banished to FHoPolitics.
Fuzzy here we go again, up, down or the same just one is one to many. Refreshing the numbers will still be to high for my taste. That's my opinion