Any information anyone would like to add to our discussion? I know there are some pretty well informed people lurking on this forum who could help us out.
I don't really have anything "educated" to say but the snipits and tips I get from my significant other's sister who is some sort of marine field ecologist (I'm not going to pretend to know what she does exactly) have really helped me become a better consumer. She's steered me away from some coastal farm raised fish and shrimp and imported farm raised marine life (apparently many are from India and the problems there are HUGE). I always kind of figured it wasn't a good idea to buy Swordfish and have heard about the Chilean Sea Bass problems. The reason I'm posting though is the other day I was thinking about this topic as I was watching the food network. And what happens?! The next two shows featured Chilean Sea Bass and Swordfish. I just imagined the well to do women in their households running off to the supermarket to make those dishes. Maybe I'm a crazy but I think they should be more responsible and change up their menus too! I've seen Swordfish advertised at my favorite fish place too. Made me sad =(