We're headed to Disney this weekend, so I'm also looking forward to seeing how the car does. It's good to know that keeping cruise control set at 70 MPH helps! I'm quite terrified of the love bugs we'll hit this weekend--I have all the wax, windshield wiper fluid and bug wax ready to go... PS- Ryan, congrats on the car!
Last weekend the Love Bugs were just starting. Last year I started carrying a gallon of water with a little detergent added, plastic scrubber and paper towels in the car, for trips to central Florida. Just pull into a rest area to go to work on the windshield. Sure beats waiting in line at those washer things. Enjoy the weekend, Bob
Have fun! And I think I'll have to keep that bug tip in mind. As simple as it is, I've never just thought of putting some soapy water in the car. I don'k know about the brush though, I'd hate to scratch the finish....
It is one of those plastic scrubber things for the kitchen. Use it on the windshield glass. An extra gallon of water is handy to rinse the detergent off. Dead bugs are very greasy. The detergent helps get them off. Another little tip: Leave your car out in the open where the dew can settle on it over night. Get up early, before the dew dries, and hose it off. 99% of the bugs will wash off with the hose after soaking overnight in the water from the dew. A good re-wax after the Love Bug season is a good idea. (detergent cleans wax too) Those that haven't been to central Florida in the summer have no clue what we are talking about. Bob
Bob, I suspect that you're right; there aren't too many places outside of the deep south that have bug issues like that. Of those places, I don't think any are as bad as central Florida, but that may be for lack of exposure or because of "green grass syndrme". I forgot to mention that I also find that Orang Glo, or similar, citrus based cleaners work well for ones that have baked on. Sure, they're going to take some wax with them, but they're less agressive than most degreasers...
Just wanted to say that Bob's suggestion on carrying a gallon of water + detergent added in was right on. We got stuck in a traffic jam on I-75 south of Ocala; the highway was shut down for 1.5 hours. I got out of the car and cleaned the lovebugs off the front while waiting! <sigh> The car got around 52 MPG going to Orlando but around 48 MPG coming back. We were hitting around a 30 MPH headwind coming home last Sunday, which clearly affected the mileage... We're off to Miami next weekend and will be bringing the gallon of water with us again!