Did anybody ever get this? My dealer that I picked it up from didn't know anything about it. Was this just an idea that never got implemented?
there is another thread that talks about the Swag, and as far as I know some people have been receiving their Prius Chat Swag - check out this thread - http://priuschat.com/forums/toyota-prius-plug-in/106714-pc-swag-arrived.html
Correction to this post, many of us have received the TMS/Prius Team SWAG The PriusChat swag got in limbo up to now, not even a PC decal.
oh sorry about that- I didn't know it got in limbo- I thought I read in some of the earlier posts on that people were receiving the 2 bags and something else from the Prius Chat. - I haven't received the TMS Swag yet . . . and know it will arrive at the perfect time . . .
As long as you bought your Plug-in through the online ordering system and did not just walk into a dealership and buy one they had in stock, you'll eventually get your bag from TMS/Erica & the PriusTeam.
Yea - I'm patient on waiting on the Prius Team. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't a bag from PriusChat with my swag in it from this site that is sitting in a dealership closet somewhere. I picked mine up in February, so it's been a while.
As long as the dealership was one of the PC Certified ones you should get a different set of swag as well.
I ordered my car from them before the pc dealer thing was ever announced and had already worked out my own deal so I didn't use the program thus no pc bag for me. Unless Danny wants to send me one for my work as a mod, I'll accept it. Try pming Danny mrbigh, see if he still has to send it or if manfredi has them. If they do in fact have them keep on em' or you may be waiting.
It's a nice package, especially the night light. Thanks, Erica. But be careful with the night light. When plugging it in for the second time, I pushed on the illuminated panel, not real hard, but enough that it stopped working.
Got my bag. I really like the cling but you can barely see it through the window. Wish it were a sticker for the bumper. Still, some really cool goodies that no one needed to give me.
Hi Danny, I goy my Pip on 30 April, when I asked my dealer at Magnussens in Auburn, he said he did not know anything about Swag ?
I do not want to be repetitive but, neither did I. Upon Paradox suggestion, I sent Danny an PM(email); still awaiting an answer.....