Some went to savings. The rest to backyard garden startup costs. The way I see it, the more self-sustaining and independent one can become, the better off that person will be in the long-run.
I'm supposed to get like 1500 and something since I have two kids. But so far I haven't seen anything. I'm going to put it into the savings anyway so I can pay my 100% property tax increase from a few years ago.
I used mine for a car payment, so I guess I've stimulated the (Japanese) economy. I assume the reason I got it was so I'd vote incumbent in the upcoming elections. From the point of view of a country with serious buget issues it's a stunningly bad idea. That they sent out three hundred million or so letters to tell us that we had a check coming was a nice touch. From the POV of the group issuing it it's a splendid idea. If I vote for them then they get a whole country to play with for the next four years. If I don't vote for them it wasn't their money anyhow, so there is no downside. /Is it too late to draft Ron Paul?/