So how long does the ocean voyage take? And how long to get the car on it's way to the dealer once it's docked? I'm assuming any port installations are on the receiving side?
I don't know how long it takes from Japan but it's not a fast ship. If it's coming to the East Coast it takes time to get through the Panama Canal then depending on stops at least a week. Once it's in Port my dealer said it can take up to 10 days to reach him. He is a bit far so it has to go a few hundred miles by car carrier. I bet they will be sending out ships as fast as they can. Toyota is going to sell a lot more Prius' than in years past.
Yes, I added on the back protector applique and that was done when it arrived in port. Also, if you change out car mats or whatever, they do it where the ship lands in the U.S. It is cheaper from what I hear to do it while it is at port then at the dealer I have been told.
Julie, Have you posted a pic of the applique? How do you like it? I've ordered one for later delivery, and I'd like to know how it looks in real light.
I havent had a chance to take a pic but it is worth it. I move alot of cases of wine in and out (tough job) of my car so definitely worth it. If you have a dog, which I do, is also fantastic so they dont scatch up the back getting in and out. Good for husbands too Sticker says Prius on it so looks cool.
Got the surprise call that mine arrived on the truck today. Picked it up this morning. Will take the trade in on Tuesday, so I have all three. Pics posted in my sig and in the pic thread.
I picked up my Blue Ribbon IV, Solar at 7:00 tonight!!!!!! :car: Initially I was told that it would be several days until my Prius would be ready but my salesman called and said it was ready tonight. Only 4 miles on it and several people tried to buy it before I showed up. It was worth the wait!!!! I'll post pics tomorrow. rcsting
Driving off the lot proof. Kids are waiving excitedly. Truth is, I pulled up to our other Prius (Tideland Pearl) visible toward the end) to transfer some stuff.
All you new Prius owners, congratulations one and all!! Hey Rick, congratulations bud. I have to say though, I was a little disappointed that you wore a tie to see a Prius you would spend a few hours with but a tee shirt to meet the Prius you were taking home to mother. No problem really mate, you wear what you like. It's good to let a girl know you know more about her than she knows about you. That shows you really care and she should be impressed by that on your first meeting! Gotta love that Blizzard Pearl!!
Thanks for the video Rick. With all those still pictures of the new Prius, I was beginning to think of that Woody Allen line about his ex-wife who was violated in Central Park. When a reporter asked his opinion on the matter, he replied: “Well, knowing her the way I do, I’m sure it wasn’t a ‘moving’ violation.”
Wow, how time goes by. This is the first time I've signed on to in nearly five years. At the time, (mid 2004), the waiting lists in Kansas City were two years. Some of the dealerships weren't even accepting any more deposits because their lists were so long. I really wanted a Prius so I ended up calling Toyota Corporate to see how I could get one more quickly. The person that helped me suggested I look in more rural (middle of nowhere) dealerships. Since I live in the middle of the midwest, there are lots of rural farm areas within a few hours drive. The Toyota representative told me that each dealership is guaranteed a certain allocation, so by looking at rural dealerships, I might have better luck at getting on a short list. The perception being that those dealerships mostly have demand for pickup trucks and the like. I ended up finding a dealership in Fort Scott, Kansas, and I only had to wait 2 1/2 months to get my 2005 Prius. After several years I did the unthinkable. I sold my Prius and bought a brand new 2007 Volkswagen Jetta. I missed having heated leather seats and moonroof. Over the last couple of years, I've missed having my Prius. With the 2010 coming out, I've decided to buy one. I've been thinking about it for the last few months and finally made up my mind. A few days ago, on Thursday, May 28, I visited a local dealership (which I trust -- they have a good reputation in Kansas City, unlike some others) and asked to order a 2010 Prius Package IV with Navigation and MoonRoof. To my delight, they already have one (in silver) matching everything I want on order. It should be here in about 1 1/2 weeks. I put my deposit down, and I'm ready do go. In the meantime, I've been researching everything there is to know about the 2010 Prius. There is a great youtube page. It basically is a video owners manual with dozens of videos: YouTube - ToyotaUSA's Channel Good luck to everyone. I hope everyone gets their orders fulfilled soon. Personally, I feel like kid before Christmas.