In Virginia we are going to HOV EZ Pass "Flex" (electronic) so the driver has a switch to turn off the toll if you have 3 people in the car. And yes the cops spend a lot of their time policing and the penalty for cheating is massive. I think the cops can read how you have the EZ Pass switch set in your car. We are going away from free HOV for hybrids, but it's phasing out slowly as the new EZ Pass Flex system is built up. We still have selected ("grandfathered") hybrids still getting free single-occupant rides on the HOV.
Sorry, but I didn't see it that way. A discussion of the law in California as it pertains to our Primes brought up an error that I thought should not be perpetuated on the internet. I dealt with that problem in 1962 when I requested the Navy's permission to marry my Chinese teacher when stationed in Taiwan. The legal officer there discussed what would happen if we were to be transferred to a place where these laws were effective, such as South Carolina. He said that the Navy would transfer me to a place where the laws were different if we were to marry. We did, and in 1963 we were transferred to California. In 1964, the question was moot, with the passage of the Civil Rights Act. BTW, we are still happily married.
I had a EZ pay fast pass for Southern California. And I was able to set it to 3 passengers or less. I'm not sure how the cops in Virginia would be able to read the occupancy setting. In California, the cops were unable to read my setting- it was done on the honor system (as per their customer service).
Bummer Vern748. Getting pinched for a sticker placement seems like a pure technicality or a bored officer, considering how many other lower-hanging fruit are obviously available...Here in the SF Bay Area I see all sort of sticker combinations: 1, 2, 3 or all 4 in various locations on the car and many have not followed the placement guidelines (the larger stickers in the front instead of the rear, all 4 stickers in the rear, etc.). Recently I saw a poor guy with the shadow of a sticker indicating perhaps someone tried to steal his sticker? Just today I also saw a new 2018 Prius C with 4 green stickers - was that a dealer error or unscrupulous owner with forgeries? In the 87/101 junction there is usually a CHP (or 2) waiting for cheaters in the morning, but once they are busy the other cheaters drive by unnoticed.
Yea...getting "pinched" for cheating on one's taxes sucks too...especially when there are so many others getting away with it.
The newer transponders in California can be set for 1,2,3 people. When the car enters a lane/bridge/whatever that uses the transponder, a light on the far side of the transponder reader indicates what the setting was for the last transponder that was read, and if there is an officer there monitoring the location, they can look in the car as it passes to see if the car is compliant with what the transponder was set for.
Except this isn't cheating, just missing a sticker when real HOV cheaters are going by. It would be like the IRS ignoring actaul tax cheats to ensure you signed your tax forms.
i've been pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt, while doing the speed limit, when everyone else was doing 20 and 30 over. makes you feel like a victim, but some cops just have their priorities upside down.
Nothing personal folks, but... Non-compliance is non-compliance. Everyone knows the rules. If you don't follow them, you will eventually get popped...and so does everyone else. Last I checked, most of the members here are quit your crying, playing the victim card and acting all entitled.
At least you just got a fix it ticket.. Going thru barstow,ca on a 110 degree day, myself, my son, and 2 friends were pulled out of the car at gunpoint and made to lay on hot asphalt by CHP because my prius had no front plate. Is that crying and playing the victim card and acting entitled? No. It was unnecessary and excessive and completely devoid of common sense, respect, or intelligence. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
This is what I was's a fix it ticket. It is an inconvenience but could have been a lot worse. Driving school classes are expensive, and the class takes around 8 hours. Barstow had a speed trap set up for a few years in the early 2000's and they raked in the bucks. These days, be careful driving through Jean (first town after Primm when driving to Las Vegas).
So you insist the cop gives you a ticket when you are pulled over then? The law is the law, and giving just a warning would be going counter to the system, right? Everybody pulled over should be prosecuted to the full extant. The issue here is over the selective enforcement of the law. HOV lanes in California are for car poolers, and certain car models with the proper stickers. These lanes are becoming crowded. Ticketing the the single occupant cars in the lane would do more to fix the overcrowding, than pulling over a plug in to tell the driver they are missing one out of four stickers.
I could not even begin to speculate what happen there...but there's more to this story than you are telling us. Keep your pity party to yourself Oniki. My children were raise to be responsible adults. That's not selective enforcement, that's selective compliance on the part of the violator. I have never agreed with allowing single occupant cars in the "carpool lane", but CA and others have made specific exceptions, with specific rules, for some "green" vehicles (and others) so that's the law...period...and I accept that. But if you don't follow those specific rules "example: with proper stickers"...your in violation...just like the single occupant generic Chevy that will also eventually be caught. The OP got off with a fix-it-ticket, the Chevy person will likely pay in excess of $ that fair? Still one car with one person in the same car pool lane...humm. You are not above the law just because you think your car is "special".