Perhaps the best tribute to TJ is the thread he started on the political cartoon of the day. Unfortunately, the thread resides in the Politics section, so the visibility is not what it would be in the Pancakes section.
Think of TJ when considering health care reform in this country. He was uninsured do to his pre-existing conditions.His health was in decline largely due to the financial burden and unaffordability of his (lack of )health care. It was so sad to read about his financial predicament and physical suffering. Lets hope that TJs struggle will provide food for thought to those who think our country's health care system is not in need of reform. Our society let him down.
Based on this post: And having a nostalgic moment...why not dream a little and do a charity drive? For obvious reasons, I'd like for it to be in Vermont through the mountains on I-89. So dreaming a bit, here's a future article invented by me, food for thought. Reuters Oct 15th 2011 : Some 500 participants, from the US and Canada, all driving the Toyota Prius of multiple generations, participated in a charity event called Hills For Bills for Diabetes, driving on the 89 from Burlington, VT to White River Junction, and back. Some enthusiasts set about breaking MPG records, while others simply set the cruise control, enjoying the view of the mountains and the fall change of colors. Over 10,000$ was raised in memory of T.J., a fellow user of and Prius owner that passed away due to complications arising from diabetes and a severe skin burn. T.J. we miss ya !
Maybe if we all sold our cars, we could pay off most of your medical bills. Sorry. That's not really very funny, is it? You know my intentions are good, my friend. See you soon. :hug: