John, I've been through all the posts on your thread at least twice. But when it came to responding, I just couldn't do it. The whole thing was just too real, too painful, too human. But, I'm going to try... My sister did the eulogy at my father's funeral. I kept it together when all around were in tears. Then a bag-piper started skirling at the back of the church. My Old Man was a life-long amateur musician. Once he figured out the fingering he could easily play any instrument, except one. For decades he searched for even one drop of Scottish blood in his family tree. Finally he found it when he was in his late 60's and picked up the pipes. He got the fingering on the chanter pretty quickly. He had near perfect pitch and getting the drones just right drove him nuts. He played but only if you really pressed him. You could tell, he so much wanted to be better than he could then be. When the pipes started, I lost it big time, sobbing like a baby. My mother was trying to comfort me. And I was there to support her! Life sure is unpredictable. It's probably a good thing that our parents "get under our skin" The littlest thing will bring back memories; an advertisement, a scrap of song, and most powerfully certain smells. With luck you'll just get teary-eyed and all choked up, and you won't be driving at the time. My mother's refrain is, "Life is for the living." I think she means you do the best you can with what you've got. That's all we can ever do. Hang in there, it isn't easy, s-l-o-w-l-y the pain recedes. John, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. May God bless and comfort you and yours. P.S. I've started a tribute to our fathers, all fathers... and mothers. I hope you'll visit:
That's when my family was told our grandmother's stroke caused severe damage and she'll never be the same. To make matters worse, it's very close to my mom's birthday. So, I understand the pain and really appreciate the stories being shared. It's good to hear how others have felt from their losses. .
Dad, I really miss you. This year's big summer auto show at the State Fair was something I would have really enjoyed going to with you. We always had fun doing that. Not having you around anymore is tough. There's a part of me that will always have you in my thoughts. Today would have been your birthday. How perfect to have Toyota drop off a PHV model Prius for me to play with. That was a dream we had talked about many times. It finally happened, making this day even more special. Those dream lives on with me. Thank you for all you taught me. Your loving son, John
Bitter sweet memories, don't let them die. Go for a ride and have a talk with him it always helps me. Blessings