I am sorry, but I got spoiled by the 3 door SKS on my 2004 Prius. My wife likes me to open the door for her. With the SKS, I just go up to the door, pull on the handle, and it is open. With 1 door SKS I would have to go over to the driver's side door, open the door and unlock all doors (or configure the SKS to unlock all doors), go around to the passenger side, and open the door. I could use the key fob - but that means fishing in my pocket for my keys and either pressing the correct button blind or taking my keys out. This is especially inconvenient in the rain. Since I got my 2004 Prius I have never had to fish for my keys. As I said, I am spoiled. Since I have a Prius V on order, this isn't an issue for me. However, it would be if I just wanted the basic Prius II.
ya, and that is why I had to take back my words. Because I was thinking "MAN! These guys are spoiled?!!" And yes, they were. But then I had one for a weekend and got spoiled too and then had to get the NEWER car with LESS!?! I get it now.
Actually I've cut back on movies. We rent High Def movies on Blu-Ray and they look so amazing! Plus we get all the bonus features and the local place gives out a lot of free rentals. The Prius is worth the money but movies are better on a 52" HDTV
Defininely a factor, as I've said. I doubt over MSRP, but would agree no discounting --- but it would have to go over $4/gal again, and I don't think that's going to happen this year. If I'm wrong, I buy one later for no more than today. If I'm right (and this economy gives me better odds than ever), I'll save some money. YMMV