In TNG, Worf goes back in time to the Trouble With Tribbles, from TOS, and #2 (I think) is surprised at how the Klingons look like Humans. Worf's just says it's a "weird time" in Klingon history, and something like "you don't want to know". I want to know. Wth? Still bugs me 20 yrs later, I rather have you guys explain it to me than Wiki. T'PAU - pop grp named after a Vulcan cutie was sooo cool.
I think those episodes were in DS9 not TNG. And the information about why the Klingons looked they way they did back in TOS was explained near the end of DS9. I think it was some kind of experiment to look more human to get an advantage with the war. Actually the wiki explains is best. Klingon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
______________________________________ I wish all of you outside Texas knew about "Aggie Culture" - Michael Dorn grew up near Texas A&M and Worf is sooo Aggie - specifically The Corp. Like Klingons, Aggies, esp The Corp are obsessed with: - warfare - tradition - rituals (including silly ones such as Aggies eating at 90-degree angles for a "square meal") - duty - HONOR - don't shy away from letting everyone know they are proud to be an Aggie
L O L Thanks guys. No wonder the Klingons in TOS were so pissed at Humans, having to undergo gene therapy and thus become quite "undesirable" to Klingon females. Proof - Captain Kirk (1)never got it on with a female Klingon, yet, bedded every other anthropoid(2) female. (1) Oh please prove me wrong on this... (2) Not enough hair on the girls...
But they still scare the ladies. Worf didn't want to attend Deanna's traditional nude wedding for fear of the shock and awe effect.
Ah, yes. Deanna's nude wedding. :eyebrows: I don't know which was worse about Star Trek- the cheese factor or the over-the-top stuff like that one.
Depends on how old you are I guess...While her daughter is a looker, she's MILF in my books... Just think of how you'd be pampered (she's super rich).
Mark, you must be older than I thought. Or at least, your tastes are. Sad to say, but Majel Barrett, aka Lwaxana Troi, First Lady of Star Trek, wife of Gene Roddenberry, Nurse Chapel, and voice of the computer, died in December 2008.
She's a looker alright but a little old for my tastes. And Executive Producer of the Andromeda series. I was sorry to hear of her passing. She played many parts and was even on Bonanza. I'm 54 going on 35. But I'm more of a Yeoman Janice Rand type of guy.
One of my favorite episodes is Startrek: The Next Generation - The Perfect Mate where we are first introduced to Kamala (Famke Janssen) Patrick Stewart was obviously taken with her in that episode. He brought her along to other projects he did later as well like X-Men, etc. She was/is HOT!! And that dress. OMG. It was like a whisp smoke when she walked into the room.
don't wait for the translation...what are they saying about Dr Crusher? BTW, I strongly disagree with them.
LOL....I think that scene might be funnier if you don't know what they are saying in French! The expressions say it all. And yes, I agree about Dr Crusher: she might not be considered a perfect 10 in "conventional" looks...but she is very pretty and highly intelligent: I think that makes a real babe:thumb:
The two Klingon women are simply saying that human females are so repulsive, bleh. In TOS when Kirk is on the planet of human-replica robots. Was funny that if the Tech is good enough for to-the-atom-level replica, that the "brains" were so lacking even though they were networked together to a "master" brain. Can you just imagine hiring a bunch of cute girls with sixties hairdo, and telling them to act like robots?