geez better get on a waiting list, didn't go to the dealer today because my son was not feeling great. Maybe I can save the downpayment while waiting for it to come in!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bgdrewsif @ Apr 2 2006, 03:02 PM) [snapback]233877[/snapback]</div> Not bad I remember .19 cents a gallon in Helena Montana during a gas war. That was back in the mid/late 60's and I was driving a VW Beetle. Sweet. Last I filled was Tijon Pass on the GrapeVine north of LA. $2.839 for Reg. on March 31. I love filling up there cause if you're going north, slowly that is, you can fill you're MFD with 99.9 bars. You start at 4000+ feet and in about 45+ miles you end up at 300-400 feet. I ended a drive to Fresno with an avg. speed of 65-70 mph and the MFD read 63 mpg in cruise almost the whole way. B) Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Apr 2 2006, 09:33 PM) [snapback]233949[/snapback]</div> You *are* old. Best I can remember is 24 cents/gallon, in LA late 60's. I think that was in the days when off-brand petrol was cheap for good reason.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EricGo @ Apr 2 2006, 06:37 PM) [snapback]233952[/snapback]</div> I remember 16 cents in gas wars
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EricGo @ Apr 2 2006, 09:37 PM) [snapback]233952[/snapback]</div> And 5-cent first class stamps! To judge from the table talk of my husband and I, the apocalypse is coming - bird flu will decimate the poultry and fast food industries, rising gas prices cause increasing costs of ALL goods and services, health care an option only for the rich, stock market crash, hubby having to work until he is 58 rather than retiring at 45, as he'd planned when he was in his thirties. Dan worked on the sailboat all day, praised my meat sauce and spaghetti (browned ground turkey, sauteed red onions, canned Marzano tomatoes strained to remove all seeds, fresh basil, parsley and garlic, ground black pepper), raised another glass of red wine in a toast, and got into bed after refining his retirement spreadsheet. No Scrabble tonight. Good friend from Greece who died last weekend was right: learn to enjoy today, there may be no tomorrow. Good night Elias. I'll learn to make galactoborikos, the world will survive your leaving though it will be the sadder for it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(huskers @ Apr 2 2006, 08:19 AM) [snapback]233760[/snapback]</div> In the short run it may pain us. In the long run, it is the only way to solve the problem (apparently). So think of it as good news, and be happy. (He says while his Prius hasn't seen a gas station in a month, and he's charging the primary car for tomorrow's gas-free commute). <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Surfer @ Apr 2 2006, 01:53 PM) [snapback]233855[/snapback]</div> Talk about your island (heck, your STATE) that should be a poster-child for PV and EV! There aren't enough roads on Kauai for me to run out of charge on my EV, yet the place is jam-packed with 500-mile range gas cars every day. Go figure! Even at $5/gallon, I'd rather be there than here! I'm still trying to figure out if I could support myself by selling PV on Kauai. But diving is just so dang expensive. We'll see.
right on darrell!! i just shake my head at these bleeding hearts who say that the little people cannot afford to pay a higher price for gas. DUH!@@! newsflash people!!! there are gonna be a LOT OF PEOPLE SCREWED when ANY major change happens.... if you dont believe me, ask an employee of gm, delphi, etc. gm not being sucessful signals a major change in the automobile industry...a change we desperately need to make YESTERDAY!! a change in how we get from one place to another will hurt a lot of people, but its change that has to happen. we cannot, i mean CANNOT continue as we have been. the Prius is only a half step that will simply DELAY our move to another form of transportation. currently we have no other real alternatives... darrel??? willing to sell your RAV??? ok, thats what i thought you would say...unfortunately, everyone else that has one probably will say the same. we will be able to afford gas longer than our neighbor, but eventually we will also be forced to look at alternative means. i think that is good. the past few generations of alone in the car, i believe has changed us. we need to get out and mingle with the smelly, loud, obnoxious fellow commuter. this will teach us to be more understanding when it comes to the small irritating traits of others. we will all learn to get along better and road rage incidents will become commuter vehicle aisle incidents, which wont be all bad because now we will have several witnesses and a captured insitigator... see there, mass transit commuting can be very rewarding
Well, let's not get too uppity here.....our Prii DO run on gasoline even if they use less than most others. I'm not gloating, I'm thinking a bit further when the crunch gets even nastier than it is now. George II has committed us to perpetual war (ala George Orwell) over oil, and things are going to get a lot hotter before they cool down. With the Prius, all we've bought ourselves is some wiggle room and time, not a solution.
well i will look forward to the day in which people will look at me driving aorund in my Prius and look at me as being an anti-environmentalist in a gass guzzing fossil powered car And for what it is worth I am looking forward to the day in which I will be in my prius, period. Just a few more days....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bgdrewsif @ Apr 2 2006, 09:09 PM) [snapback]234023[/snapback]</div> Good point!... well if we don't all kill each other first... we will get there.....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Apr 2 2006, 09:33 PM) [snapback]233949[/snapback]</div> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Red Ginger @ Apr 3 2006, 05:32 AM) [snapback]234080[/snapback]</div> Wow... 19 cents... and the scenery sounds awsome... No mountains here... no hills for that matter, here nothing but completely flat cornfields far as the eye can see (until you hit lake erie that is!) [attachmentid=2817] And of course, my home sweet home... being a downtown dweller is fun... Especially living in a building built in 1877 [attachmentid=2818] Nice downtown, but no mountains to coast down... there might be a 1 degree slope out west of town somehere... although a car probally wouldn't roll down it in neutral... (where i live, you can put a car in N and it will stay put... ) Go Figure...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Apr 2 2006, 12:27 PM) [snapback]233782[/snapback]</div> of course it's our fault... by decreasing the demand for gas, we force the oil companies to increase their price to maintain the same amount of profit.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Apr 3 2006, 10:34 AM) [snapback]234193[/snapback]</div> Almost like the old days when the mafia threatened to break your legs if you tried to break free from them taking free profit from your store. Profit is fine, but 30% in a quarter is rediculous... now they are spoiled and they want that all the time.... I almost hope they do raise prices... because WE HAVE the technology avaliable to us to get around them, but until its profitable to do that instead of gas, we will not....... When we call thier bluff and start breaking free, they will lower again to lull us back into our comfort zone... And we fall for it everytime! They see it as a game of "what the market will bear".. I see it as a game of choking the golden goose until it stops breathing and then letting up for a while.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Apr 2 2006, 03:49 PM) [snapback]233870[/snapback]</div> With prices & excuses going up every day! When June 1st, (Official Hurricane Season) gets here, the fear of gulf coast refinerys getting hit again will drive gas to $4.00 a gallon. If they actually do get hit, the skys the limit! 5 to 6 easy! I may spend the rest of my gas days driving the Prius at 38 MPH!!! P.S. The 1st Tropical Storm of the year will be named ALBERTO!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(OUscarb @ Apr 3 2006, 12:29 PM) [snapback]234255[/snapback]</div> I wouldn't be surprised if thats their game plan my little Pre- tty!... h34r: You would think after getting hit with 5 hurricaines in a row that we would get ready for just that... but no... we are still playing stupid and history will repeat itself... maybe finish New Orleans off this time......
$3.11 per gallon regular here in Hanalei, Kauai Ha!.. you guys have no place to go!!!! Yeah, but he's in Kauai, so he doesn't NEED to go anywhere else! (I'm going back there this winter and can you tell I can't wait?!)
I remember .18 cents during gas wars late 60's !!! Now if a gas station had 1.50 gas there would be lines down the block.
These darn gas prices plus my car costing me $1200 a year for repairs and maintenance may very well drive me into a Prius sooner than I want.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EricGo @ Apr 2 2006, 01:10 PM) [snapback]233821[/snapback]</div> Who said it wasn't?