I've seen a few places get clear-cut and paved to become Hummer dealers. Actually rather fitting. There's one lot I drive past every day; today I noticed what looked like more Hummers than I'd ever seen there before. I wonder what they'll do when Americans get smart - er - stop buying Hummers.
oh didnt you hear?? the new hummers will get nearly twenty miles per gallon!! hmm... oh well, even typing the number out didnt impress me... yep could be a mistake
Good Heavens - some of these posts almost made me feel sorry for the poor car dealers - but then I thought naaaaah! It's payback time!
Ever heard of Lee Iacocca, he was the Ford exec that turned Chrysler around in the late 70's, well Chrysler was dumping cars on the dealers and letting them pay the interest on the inventory till the dealers started to go bankrupt and quit paying the interest and that put Chrysler into Chapter11 and Lee talked the US gov into a massive bail out. He managed to turn the company around and repayed the debt. I see a very similar scenario here. Maybe again.
Don't worry, Frank. Iacocca's reign at Chrysler is timeless in business classes. It's almost like asking, "ever hear of that Abe Lincoln guy who was elected when the country was divided upon itself...?" I had never before be privy to such an insight of the atuomobile industry as I am reading everyone's posts. Having learned that the manufacturers just "dump" cars on the dealers to make them deal with it is just plain wrong. Yeah, I realize that cutting production might incur layoffs at the plant, but what is done with all the cars manufactured but not sold? Are they recycled or land-filled? Are they broken down for parts? If the manufacturer bankrupts all their dealers, they have nowhere to sell all the cars they are overproducing. I'm just trying to get a grip on the supposed logic at work. Also, I find it interesting albeit depressing that the trade-in values on the SUVs have started to bottom out. Interesting because the dealers don't want them back but also depressing because I do have some compassion for the people losing literally thousands of dollars.
Actually, the entire used car market is severely depressed right now. Why buy a used car when you can get lower payments on a new one?
a lot of the dealers who still had inventory 2 years later just wholesaled the cars thru auto auctions and such. as for the logic- there isn't any.
If GM gets a bailout because they can't sell the damned Hummers, I'm following rflagg to Canada. They already get a $25K tax deduction when used for business. At least it is down from $100K but it is still a disgusting loophole in our otherwise 'tight as Swiss cheese' tax code. Oh, and I'll bet you my Prius a LOT of them aren't used primarily for business.
well thats a given... cant afford to drive it occasionally for recreational purposes. would be twice as bad if used daily for business. half the budget would be going into the gas tank
Ah, but they get to write that off too. Business expense: fuel for the business vehicle. They can do it anyway. Who's going to know they use the business CC to gas up their personal vehicle.