Disagree all you want, but studies have shown that there is a positive correleation between initial quality, and longterm reliability. MOTORING; For Long-Term Dependability, Check the Initial Quality - New York Times "While it is impossible to know exactly how dependable any new vehicle will be, a model's repair record offers a reasonable basis for predicting how often it might need to visit the repair shop in the future. The latest survey of owners' experience, the 2006 Vehicle Dependability Study by J. D. Power & Associates, released last week, offers some useful indicators. Among other things, it shows that cars with few defects when new tend to remain reliable as they age." Studies aside, it's been my experience, in the 10 (or so) cars that I've/my wife have owned over the past 30 years...if the car is bullet, or nearly bullet proof within the first 6 months (or so), then the car usually proves to be very reliable for many years to come. The only car that this was NOT true with was our 2000 Honda Odyssee, which has had multiple transmission problems. That problem has turned out to be a design problem, and as I already mentioned, design or material problems usually do not manifest themselves until many years latter.
Just out of curiousity, can you name us some of the cars you've owned that you think are near bullet proof?
hsiaolc - I know your question was not directed towards me, but I would say that I have owned 2 "bullet-proof" vehicle .... a 199's somethingAcura Legend, and a 2006 RSX. My1985 Mazda RX-7 would also qualify. I had excellent luck with my 2001 Toyota Highlander, and thus far, my 2010 G3 is off to a great start .... no rattles, great mileage, comfortable, and no issues. The absolute worse car I ever owned was a VW Squareback Sedan. It became a vehicle I was fearful of putting my family in.
I just got my 2005 GenII Prius serviced at 60k miles and had the following repairs: Replaced Leaking Water pump and cracked serpentine belt Replaced Driver Side Headlight Replaced HV Water pump under recall notice Replaced 12V Battery Replaced leaking Left Axle Seal Seems to be a lot of stuff for a Toyota! So, I took at look at consumer reports reliability reports for the Prius and found that a lot of '04 and '05 owners are seeing problems in the same failure categories (Prius has a lot of non-red circles for these model years). I wonder if the GenIII improvements address some of these issues?
Water pump shouldn't go that early. Serpentine belt, sure, it's a wear item anyway and "cracked" doesn't mean it couldn't have gone another 30k anyway. Driver side headlight I suppose that's not a big deal, though lights normally will go much longer. 12V battery that's reasonable lifespan. Left axle shouldn't go that early. if that's all you've done I'd say it's ok. I would guess most toyota will do better, though, if not most imports in general.
60000 miles = 96560 km Considering the repairs, I would say there is nothing to really be worried about. You should see the list of things I had to change in my VW Polo in the 80000km I have used it...