In US cars get much more use, so this drives resale down? Ease of getting new car financing and 100% reliance on car to get to work/school/anywhere or market saturation could be other reasons.
Out resale is not high either, just higher for Prius than cars that cost similar... I would guess due to high price of gas ($7-$8 per gallon) we still care about those costs, while US now is back on SUV craze so last I read used FJ Cruiser is having price appreciation lately and that was terribly inefficient vehicle but SUV and cool looking.
Here in Portugal i see Prius resale values getting higher than "cars that cost similar" the older the car it is. 2 gen Prii are sold at 5500eur minimum...
in the u.s., gas prices have driven down prius value dramatically. people don't buy them, regardless of quality. saw a 2015 at the dealer yesterday, big sign in the window: pkg 3, msrp $28,700., sale price $23,000. mostly due to gas. i suppose if they were unreliablele, it might be even worse, but like, wouldn't even be around anymore like the honda insight II.
I'm in town on a narrow lot. Our garage and driveway are in back on the alley. It would be fairly simple for me to put in a known safe, outdoor outlet for a plug in temporarily, but it would require a heavy duty extension cord of over hundred feet to reach the driveway Digging a trench to get to the outlet to the driveway wouldn't be too bad, but if I'm doing that much work, I'm going to lay the high amp cable for the EVSE and garage, and that raises permitting and code concerns. In other words, if I need a better outlet for outside the house, I'll just put it in myself, but while I have no problem doing the work for higher amperage, I'll need a licensed electrician to be sure I do it legal. I do intend to get a plug in at some point. Selection is still slim in Pa though, and I have higher priorities right now. I'd opt for PV over the plugin first.
Is 2016 Prius worth it? If you're tall with long legs, heck no. Those shorty seat bottom cushions won't offer much support so will have grunt, groan and tense legs while driving. Plus have to spend $29,000 just to get tilt adjust, so heck no, not worth it. This car is for certain people who have to have super high MPGs and willing to pay lot for it.
Do you mean fronts or rear? There is 2.6" rear leg room loss on Gen4. It is now even 1.6" less than tiny Prius C, which is borderline at best. I am reading on Gen4 and the more I read it looksl like a sidestep. 4% MPG increase, handling improved only so-so, still not on par with Fusion or Mazdas. Better in some ways worse in others.
I think it will appeal to much wider audience than Gen 3. In this respect - it is worth it - to Toyota.
I am trying to find any evidence of that but the only thing I see is PR machine wheel spin. We will have to wait and see how the sales go, and how it will stack up against competition.
I mean front. It doesn't matter if you have a mile of driver's legroom for long legs if the puny, shorty seat bottom cushion is not there to support them, unless that is one wants to grunt, groan and tense legs to hold them in place. It's about saving weight and cost in Prius, not deeper seat cushions. It's a Corolla seat in new Prius and that one stinks for this tall guy. $30,800 just to get tilt adjust on driver's seat and avoid the sh$%^y plastic wheelcovers / 15" wheels. Just looking to rule this new Prius out asap.
Shhh you blew the cover! No but seriously we should probably refrain from personal attacks and degrading this discussion. I've been looking at possible Gen3 -> Gen4 trade in, and it looks like it is not worth it from that point of view. From what I've seen so far it is not a clear cut above Gen3, and in as many areas it is step back as forward. Now for someone looking from different point of view this may be a clear cut, no doubt. If it is, could you please explain why you think it is worth it, instead resorting to personal attacks? thx I think we ought to take it into separate thread, no? * mod note * thread cleaned. everyone involved at this point, take the off topic stuff into private conversations. Do not continue it in this thread and do not take it into a seperate thread.
You have a 2014 Prius C so why trading it in? Not satisfied? Anyways, if I were you I would wait until I test drive Gen 4.
We have 2 Prii 2010 Gen3 and 2014 C. Gen3 has 180k miles in 6 years, and C (for commuter) is brand new <10mo with 25k already. So it boils down to do I put money in Gen3 and keep it running as long as it will, waiting for Gen5 or at least Gen4 facelift (I can see them going away with that ugly rear 3/4 panel), trade it in for Gen4 now or look for alternatives such as Hyundai AE, Malibu, etc when they come out next year. Gen3 has been used as a family car and for long trips, so it has to be on par or better when you have 5 adult sized people packed in. Gen3 has enough trunk space for x-country camping trip (been there - done it), but reducing rear seat space would be detrimental. And when I am talking about loaded Gen3 running out of battery on 9% long climb that happened more than once to us.
You could also snap up a 2015. Or is supply running low? I never see regular Prius at our nearby dealership anymore, last time I think a solitary c in the showroom, and one v out on the lot.