I’m in Canada, and had no problems downloading the manual at Toyota tech info site. I did hear in the news about Google restricting something in Canada, but TTI seems fine just now. Just click on “manuals” on front page.
It looks like there are different ways to access the manual. Using the link in post #1 does not work for me . I'm in Canada, but the solution in post #18 does work.
This likely because there could be differences in car features and workings between markets. The drives modes were a big one in the gen4. North America had EV, EV Auto, and HV. Europe had EV, EV City, and HV. From the descriptions the EU EV and NA EV Auto were the same, and the other two EV modes were unique to the market. I would think the Toyota Europe, or individual country ones would have the manuals. I guess they could be slated for later release.
True, i realized here that for the gen 3 HEV powertrain also, there were differences btw EU and US. In EU the Sport mode took the EV speed down from 68 to 40 km/h (to make the car more readily responsive in hill drive). And on PC some few couldn't believe it
Yes indeed , but AmazonCloud Front services denies access to Canada , ...Artificial intelligence not knowing that Canada is in North America knowing that US and Canadian Prime models are basically twins. EDIT : Actually the are very close cousins rather than twins , because of DRL and Speedometer in KM/H
@Maxwell61, @Roqu3, @JoeBlack, @Louis19, @Mendel Leisk: We reserve the right to refuse service to no one. No shirt, no shoes—yes service! 2023 Toyota Prius Prime US owner's manual on Google Drive #kingofthehill #hank #dale #bill #boomhauer #bobby | TikTok
Not sure why I would need to access via your Google Drive; I downloaded it in less than 60 seconds from Toyota Tech Info, just now.
Good tip. Here is the link. They don't require subscription for the owner's manuals. https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=ti_home_search_docs_page
I must be lazy or dumb but if I use TTI i'm required to register.....I prefer using the link provided by post # 26....
“maybe” I’m registered?? Never have needed to log in though, on multiple devices, browsers, strange. maybe register? move to BC LOL?
Interesting comment, perhaps beyond the scope of this discussion ; at least California and Québec are in the Carbon Exchange since 2014 for better or worse.
Yesterday evening downloaded the two guides, no issues, from Italy! Thanks everyone, regards Alessandro Inviato dal mio VOG-L29 utilizzando Tapatalk
I tried on my phone well same problem ..as Groucho Marx once said : Close but no cigar ,anyway I got the manual by another link. Thanks for your efforts .
Are all the pdf manual versions coming with great swaths of blank space around the perimeters? If so, I could post cropped versions, maybe on google drive. Or no big deal?