And ignoring the program rules, which forbid using it for multiple cars. But at the rare times when we get a large credit available, ($.40/gal or more), we haven't felt at all guilty about bringing both our small-tank cars, which together cannot get close to the 25 gallon limit. Not hard at all. Second car simply backs in behind the first, and opens up the gas cap while the first is filling. Once the first car is filled, that driver simply hands the nozzle to the second driver, who takes it direct to the second car filler. All finished and gone before any attendants can notice a possible program rule violation and make an issue of it. And our combined gas haul is still significantly less than common SUVs.
Maybe at your gas station, but not the gas stations near us which has one way entrance and two gas pumps in the same row, with an attendance station box in between two pumps. Only way I can do the two car fill-up is to do it very late at night after attendance box is closed and when there are no other cars pumping. I am usually in bed way before that.
We do have quite a few different fuel station arrangements around here, one-way and two-way, narrow lanes and wide lanes, 1 and 2 and 3 pump rows, close and far away attendants, even within the same chain. The place where we sometimes double up is only a few blocks from home, very wide and spacious, two double-sided 3-pump rows, all-way flow, and the attendant is in a corner convenience store and usually busy with snack sales to people too lazy to walk across the parking lot to the full store.
Yap, benefit of living in a bigger city. We have plenty of choices for gas stations, but the one we can use reward is very limited. In fact there is only one within 30 miles radius.
What is this "attendant" person. All the stations I go to have at most one person sitting in a cashier's booth somewhere near the pumps, or there is a clerk in the attached mini-mart. I thought "attendants" were only found in Oregon and New Jersey, where self-service is banned.
The gas station I mentioned above has both self-service and full-service pumps. No he doesn't wash windshield and check the oil for you, but if you pull up to the full service pump, he does pump gas for you for a small fee (I think ~30c/gal more?).
That is the attendant. Who also pumps gas for handicapped customers. Some self service is now legal in Oregon, I was able to do so earlier this year. But locations are limited.
In NJ, you can pump your own diesel, but that doesn't mean they're going to let you. It's easier to just plug in.
Doesn't the ADA exempt stations that have only one employee on premise from having to pump gasoline for the disabled?