Part of that is the switch to winter blend, which uses cheaper compounds in the mix. There are issues in bringing oil to refineries that are causing producers to discount. Bakken Prices Crumble On Pipeline Woes |
not enough supercharges in proper locations. the trip would turn into an anxiety filled wild goose chase. it is the same reason as anyone not driving a bev yet under any circumstance, except those who do to save money plus, i'm not interested in dropping 50k+
Around 75 cents/gallon for me to break even. I just paid $2.319 per gallon. I went 1015 miles on 8.407 gallons and 120 kWh (only 70 of which I had to buy). I went 558 miles in EV and those EV miles cost me $7.84. That's 1.4 cents/mile. I went 457 HV miles and they cost me $19.50. That's 4.27 cents/mile. That's about 76 cents/gallon to break even. I'd probably still plug in lower than that for the convenience of not going to the gas station as often.
Google Maps says Boston to Orlando takes almost 21 hours driving straight through (not stopping for meals or gas). Tesla says the trip takes just a hair over 25 hours with Supercharging included. You don't take 4 hours for restroom breaks, meals, or other stops (including sleeping) on that long of trip?
we don't drive from gas station to gas station. nor would we from supercharger to supercharger. we stay in hotels, i'm married
You always make the entirely wrong assumption that meals and restroom breaks are at the same locations as Superchargers. This is so wrong in my experience that I've actually only found one Supercharger that DID meat that specification (Hays Kansas). All the other ones I've ever come across were not in the same places as restrooms and restaurants. One was close (a few blocks).
Cost aside, the supercharger coverage on the east coast is second only to the west coast. Far northern Maine is rather devoid, but otherwise the coast is littered with superchargers. The circle around Savanah is 140 miles in radius. Basically any Tesla has plenty of range. The cost issue I understand. But even that is coming down in the near future.
can i stop at my choice of hotels in virginia and georgia and plug in overnight, guaranteed open charger, with 3 or 4 10 minute potty breaks on the road each day?
That's because what I said was absolutely true. A supercharger that's 2 miles from your restaurant does little good.
Sadly this is why Americans will still be burning gas 30 or 40 years from now, because they can't change their habits or desires to do what needs to be done.
As in all things in life, you are 100% right about everything you ever say. Where can I come worship at your feet?