That's the nice part of owning a Prius. $3.50 is nice, but $7 wouldn't hurt me as much as it would the H2 owner. That being said, I hope the world oil markets have figured out that there is a limit to what Americans will pay, and that Americans will have figured out that small is beautiful in cars. If you don't need a large SUV or pickup for business, or to pull your RV, you don't need one.
Yeah but if you ain't got that boat or RV just yet you gotta get the truck that will pull it just so everyone knows you have one coming. After all the price of gas has only gone down over the last couple of weeks, it can never go back up again. There has never been a better time than now to buy that SUV or truck you have been thinking about. Environment? There will still be an environment, there will always be an environment.
Hey, I know Spruce Pine! I used to go there to the hockey games and to eat at Beam's when I was in school at App State. Beams still there? Best Chinese restaurant I've ever been to! Anyway, back to the thread... I paid $3.68 on my last fill here in Duluth, GA
Sorry guys, it's a temporary situation (gas prices dropping). This says it all right here (see figure 1 on the right side). Interim Report On Crude Oil (July 2008) (3.38 Megabytes) World demand for oil is increasing, while supply is flat. What we have now is a temporary backup in the US supply line due to decreased oil usage here. But there are more than enough customers in the world to buy up the oil that America doesn't use. Americans are thinking happy days are (going to be) here again, but what they don't see is that the light at the end of the tunnel is a freight train and they're about to get clobbered. I heard on the radio the other day that experts are predicting $200/barrel oil in the next 5 years. That translates to ~$6.50/gal gas (my own back of the envelope calculation based on current crude & gasoline prices). This isn't "big oil" gouging people, nor is it the "speculators" driving the price of oil up. It's just good old fashioned supply and demand.
All true. Nothing will stop the climb to $200 / barrel....eventually. Will it take 2 years or 7 years. Certainly it will be within that time frame if not sooner.
I was hoping it would stay higher longer. We've had price spikes in the past and when they were done Americans went back to their old ways of sending money to countries who would like to kill us. We need a year of $5 gas. Yeah, it will hurt but the party's over and it's time to pay up.
Reagan had negotiated with the Iranians before the election, to get them to keep the crisis going until after so he would look like a hero. Just like Nixon interfered with the negotiations to keep the vietnam war going . In general the Republicans are war-mongers that love to send other people's son's off to die. We shouldn't have anything to do with what Isreal does, and they shouldn't be looking to us for military support for their wars. Our Republican politicians have us in a war in two countries already, we're full up.
Don't mean to highjack the thread: Volunteered for duty in 75. The Iranian debacle was a direct result of James Earl Carter and Company and the dumbing down of America on the World stage because he was and still is a buffon!!!! This resulted in the birth of Islamofascism (Islam beeing highjacked) and Osama bin Laden! Check your history dates. Carter was a major appeaser. Again check your history and go back to begining of WWII. Carters administration didn't understand the Iranian culture! (See news articles about Obama and his forgein policy or lack of experience and you can see the similarities) He speaks in generalities! Granted, Reagan pulled some behind the scenes things, but The Wall came tumbling down! This years candidates were and are a joke! But, It's 3rd and 10 from the 50 with 30 seconds left in the game. Your opponents defense has been stifling and your QB has struggled but has moved the ball and you are behind by 2. What are you going to do, change to the untested rookie QB? The Soviets have invaded Georgia in an attempt to regain control of land for an oil pipeline to Europe. Iran is using its rhetoric and threats of confrontation to drive the price of oil. The religious fanatics are trying to bring down Pakistan. We had been strong untill we got a BJ in the white house and the power went to the other brain! People need to wake up to what this is really about. It's not just about oil, but the hearts and minds of free people throughout the world not just the US! The letter Ahmadinejad sent to Bush started by stating, convert or die! Appeasement? I think NOT!
Let me guess - was the 3.44 on Hwy 321 N, at either Murphy or Hess (or both) in Granite Falls? Ever since Murphy opened, it and Hess have really been having at it with the gas war. Yippee!
Why is it when people say they "don't mean to hijack the thread" that is exactly what they mean to do?
The problem with oil and gas prices is volatility. What goes down one week might go up the next. Now that the price of oil has come down, somebody has to figure out how to keep the price down and back on the supply-demand track. Maybe they have, but I don't expect car buyers to be flocking back to SUVs--they don't trust oil prices. Neither does the stock market.
Well, yes, you do have to put things in perspective. Other countries (e.g. Canada, Europe etc...) have a different tax structure than the US. They probably pay more tax per gallon of gas, but get it back somewhere else that US Americans have to privately fund (e.g. healthcare). I think oil is priced in US dollars on the international market, so everyone pays the same price - depending on exchange rate - before governments either subsidize or tax it. Isn't this true?
Here's a different perspective. Gasoline is now no longer the most expensive it's ever been. It was more expensive during parts of '80 and '81.
"direct". One r. It's spelled "buffoon". You need a double O to get the oooo sound. I thought Islamofacist was one of those Bush/Cheney/Rove made up words? I also think our deceased former president spelled his name...Reagan. "opponents" as in "oppOsite. Actually, we have been strong until we got a moron in the White House who has repeatedly embarassed this country and pi$$ed away our reputation and our political strength. Not to mention destroyed our economy. Shall I add the LIES? We won't mention Plame either. And your rant belongs in Fred's House of Politics, not on gas prices.