I would exploit your mouth were you to say that to me in person. Alas, this is the internet where everyone is free to be a jackass and avoid retribution. Peace be with you as I will now put you on that /ignore list.
I'm aware of supposed million man doners. I just don't believe it. My wife is a registered contributing democrat and has not recieved a single phone call. I just hope if he by chance gets elected, he doesn't play the race card every time something doesn't go his way.
Yeah, I think I'll have to follow suit. Just wanted to read a little more to get his number. (And it's donors, not doners. And received. i before e except after c. You can spot them by their spelling.)
ya'll are just going to ignore him instead of banter back and forth? what's the fun in that? interacting with people of different views helps you reexamine your own. because if you think you know it all now, you're bullshitting yourself.
I believe that it is I you should be casting aspersions upon! My spelling is indeed atrocious, and my fingers move slower than my brain. I am the author of the doner, having having recieved a solicitation from Obama. Be careful judging people by their spelling. I have only a high school education, but I believe I can think,,,if not spell. Icarus PS to Scruge. What you believe is of little interest to me! What you know and can back up with FACTS is interesting. My wife has single handedly kept Obama in the black in this house. She has never given to a candidate before, but believes that he is for real,,,as do I. Her donation pattern is almost exactly what the average that I quoted. Coincidence??? I don't think so. As I said, do some reading outside your comfort zone. I always find it enlightening to read (and speak to) those that I disagree with, assuming they can make cogent
Thanks icarus for taken the hit. It was apparent godiva had nothing substantive to offer and was either probing for a reaction or working on post count. eep:
I'm not sure what proof you want me to provide... most can be found by searching. I stated lawsuits and pro bono increase medical cost.. You said you didn't want to include pro bono. Lawsuits affect premiums and the level of un necessary "defensive medicine". Google for " cost of defensive medicine." That should be enough to get your feet wet. . What else is there? Do I need to point you to tax code for corporate income taxes?
my point is that there is no interacting. no one is responding to anyone, only attacking. we have some pretty messed up ideology going on here which is par for the course when politics are involved. in these kinds of debates, there is no "better man", only idiots... in the grand scheme of things, we usually dont vote for "our man"... we take the lesser of two evils... as for me... well, most here already know who i will vote for... and for the first time ever, i did donate to a political campaign... and it was not nearly as easy as i thought it would be... actually took some doing, but i did get my token donation in...
It is your job to make citations to support your argument! You speak of lawsuits in medical expense,,,give me some citation! I include pro bono if you give me something to read, and on and on. Icarus Last time I looked Social Security tax rates were ~7% employees share, 7% employers share. (I confess. it has been a couple of years since I had employees so I may not be spot on) In any case it is not the percentage you quoted earlier
you know, it's non of my business because it was their discussion, so i will keep my opinion to myself. since abe lincoln! i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that 99% of this forums members will be going for Barack Hussein Obama. that's no secret politicians don't like you giving your money, they like taking it sorry for picking everything you say apart, i'm trying to get some posts up so i can see what's going on in that 'private' section...
If only that were true, I would feel so much better for voting Democratic! I'm gonna close my eyes and wish really hard! But alas, no. Everybody with any political aspirations has to thing the other way. We've heard it from everybody across the board... we have to figure out a way to lower gas prices. Like that's gonna fix any-freaking-thing. But to say otherwise is political suicide.
I doubt it, I would say they will drive there in their pickup trucks and SUVs, one protester in each. I think some people need to read some international news papers to see that it isn't only the USA sending aid to other countries, it isn't just the USA working on green technology (where did you Prius come from?). Wind turbines were mostly developed in Europe and they now export the technology globally. For example Australian troops are still helping rebuild schools and hospitals after the tsunami, and the Australian government and people send aid to places of need. I know we don't act alone, throughout the world richer counties help poorer ones, mostly no strings attached. The USA is a big country and its share of help is also big, just don't act like your doing the world a favour just by being. Well reading that was a labourious task. F8L and icarus posted links to sources, as in a debate it is good form to provide the sources of your information, if you don't it can only be assumed to be opinion. I didn't see any references from the other team, like putting an encyclopedia on the floor, stating blind references to it and informing the audience there is an index in the encyclopedia. I knew that I can search google, without reading opinion first. You can always tell when someone doesn't like Mr Obama, they remember his middle name but sometimes forget his first. Sad really. It is a pretty cheap and ineffective shot among people who went past 3rd year high school.
Sorry I got sloppy and didn't include the .4%. The actual witholdings amounts are 6.2% employee and 6.2% employer. This represents a total contribution of 12.4% towards the employee's Social Security account. Social Security Update 2008 Be careful of what you wish for.. I think I recall a recent Obama speech where he states we will never see $2-$3 gas again. Lucky for you, you can afford $4-$5 gas, but there are people who can't. What's your threshold of pain? You know, that point where you start to squeal like a pig?? Is it $10-$20-$50 per gallon, are you even prepared? How about $100.. Can you imagine the ripple effect on other items like food and Perrier..:boom:
change only happens when the perceived need is great enough...iow, when the threshold of pain is exceeded... like any threshold, some will suffer way before that point, some will feel only mild discomfort. its nice if you feel mild discomfort, but in no way should anyone not want the change based on the comfort level of anyone... change is necessary and inevitable. whether the direction of change is good or bad depends on what we do now...if we move too slowly towards alternative methods of transportation, suffering will be more acute and affect more people... now there is always the risk of unforeseen issues that make change less desirable... in this case, i see little downside to moving away from gasoline.
Not for a nanosecond do I wish the oil companies made more money, or that more families have to decide whether to eat or turn on the heat. Yes, the price of gas has a ripple effect that is making most things more expensive, but it's the catalyst to develop more sustainable sources of energy. They are out there, and we've been hearing about them for decades. If being kicked in the pocketbook is the only way we'll pay attention, then that's what we'll get. And, as much as I used to enjoy Perrier, flying water half way around the world just doesn't make sense. I've given up salmon, too, not because of the cost, but because they're on their way to extinction.
Price here now for petrol is about $6.00 a gallon and I think I can cope with tripple that without changing much but I would evolve my transport modes to suit and minimise consumption further. At double current price I would seriously look at pure EV because higher prices for petrol increase our motivation to move to alternative energy. This includes moving from coal to renewable electricity supply as well as moving away from oil. That is after all what the thread is about.