OK, you convinced me, there is a good reason to carry a gun in your car. That would be so funny, smoke out a Prius owner in your Cummins powered toy truck, you really wouldn't expect that bullet to pass through your knee would you?
Regular unleaded today in Northern Kentucky was $2.70 at one of my usual stops. What was kind of neat was that another motorist at the pumps came up to me and asked "so what do you really get for gas mileage?" That gave me a chance to share with her that for my last 5 tanks I've been averaging over 48 mpg. She had other questions about how the car worked, also. Thanks in part to the great information I've learned here at the forums, I was able to give her some intelligent answers.
It is always nice to be able to help people sift fact from fiction by giving them your real life experiences with the car. Too much garbage and misinformation on the interweb! Premium was $3.11 at Chevron and 7-11 this morning in Rocklin, CA.
granted not the best tank, but last one on SPM went over 5 cents per mile. that is first time this year... pretty bad especially considering the first tank on my 2010 filled up a few weeks ago was almost to the 3.xx cent per gallon range
But it would be the perfect crime! In a cloud of thick black smoke, diesel clatter covering the noise of the gun, and a dirtbag put out of his/her misery. I fail to see a better use for a handgun. Senario, Stopped in complete silence at a traffic light waiting for a green Dodge Ram with the big Cummins badge on the side lurches to a stop and the silence is shattered by that rediculous clatter. Exhaust pipe deliberately positioned at your opened window. Black smoke envelopes your Prius, covering the numberplate and filling the inside of your car. Prius drives calmly out of the thick toxic cloud and continues on its journey. Dodge Ram is found soon after with driver bleeding and dead at the wheel. No witnesses, no known motive. If it was ever thought it might be a crime of passion by an environmental nutbag Prius driver, there are 1,000,000 of them to sort through!
Local Price Snapshot (for Rocklin/Roseville area) Today: $2.858 Yesterday: $2.874 One Week Ago$ 2.732 One Month Ago $2.374 One Year Ago $4.442 Trend Source: GasBuddy.com
Since we are on the topic of gas... Here's how you can decide to do better for society and the world at large by chosing the best gas station beyond just price. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY RANKINGS FOR GAS STATIONS Based on the following criteria: HUMAN RIGHTS: sweatshops, 3rd world community exploitation, international health issues, divestment, child labor, code of conduct. THE ENVIRONMENT: global warming, rainforest destruction, pollution, recycling, renewable energy, greenwashing, toxic waste, eco-innovations, illegal dumping, sustainable farming. ANIMAL PROTECTION: factory farming, animal testing, humane treatment, wild animal habitat. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: family farms, local business support, volunteer efforts, sustainable growth, philanthropic donations, nonprofit alliances, establishing foundations. SOCIAL JUSTICE : fair wages, fatalities, union busting efforts, health & safety records, discrimination based on: race, gender, age, ability, religion, sexuality, ethnicity. Source: The Better World Handbook
As a "snapshot" it is simply looking at frozen numbers in time. So it currently says "Falling" but tomorrow if the gas prices up above those from 2 days ago then it should read "Rising". So I'm heistant to call it a trend. I added my source in the othr post. Source: GasBuddy.com *edit* Sorry, I missread your post. Here is a 1mo fuel price graph for Sacramento region
Raleigh Snapshot: Today 2.52 Last Week 2.43 Last Month 2.12 Last Year 3.93 Going up, but I'm thankful we're no where near last year's numbers. I can't wait to finally switch from my SUV to a Prius.
Regular gas went from $2.89/gal to $2.79/gal at my local station. I know this isn't in keeping with this thread, but I hope people aren't getting worked up unnecessarily...
Many thanks to F8L for the GasBuddy link. At the site, I created this graph. http://priuschat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=15368&stc=1&d=1244389804 Points of note: * Baltimore prices are ~$0.10 USD below USA average, and follow nat'l trends closely. * Canadian average prices are consistently ~$1.15 USD higher than USA average. * Average prices are somewhat following crude oil prices, unlike trends for past two years.