well we settled in at $2.499 for most of the week before Memorial weekend and its usually stays that way until the buildup for the 4th, but lo and behold, jumped to $2.559 on thurs.... crap... wanted to see if i could get 600 miles on this tank but maybe i should have filled up earlier. i am down to 2 bars at around 450 miles or so and i dont drive it every day (ya, brand new car... sits MOST of the time and my SO HATES me) oh well, could have filled up at around 3½ cents per mile, now i am gonna have to shell out nearly FOUR cents... oh the humanity!!
Well instead of looking at it as a bad thing, look at it as it could be worse, like filling up a SUV which gets 13 miles per gallon. of course getting 40+ would make me smile rather than 13!
I filled my car with 93 octane at $2.89 yesterday. The tank costed $45. I purchased a Pontiac GTO (premium required) in 2006 back when gas was cheap and words like 'recession' described the 1980's. Now gas is climbing, Pontiac's on the chopping block, and I have a sister I drive to see in Vegas, lol! It's not that I can't afford the gas, I just can't fathom shelving out all that money to go overseas. The GTO would make a great weekend car, but currently it is my daily driver and 14-20 mpg isn't sitting too well with all the road trips I go on. I'm strongly leaning towards a 2010/2011 Prius for my next car. I hypermiled in a 2009 Prius rental and I was much impressed with my 58 mpg!
Went up 3 cents more today....2.48.....at the moment my gasstation is on the corner that i pass each day
I haven't looked in my area recently, because I haven't had to fill up in over a week Guess I'll be in for a rude surprise.