It will be interesting to see who is the first to pay less than $1.00/gallon for gas. Who would have thought (not even me) 4 or 5 months ago.
With OPEC limiting how much they're pumping/selling and with the amount of tax on a gallon of gas I just can't imagine prices going much lower than they already are...and certainly not as low as $1/gallon. But, as you say, it's hard to believe it's as low as it is now...$1.74 here right now....crazy.
For those wondering about the real reason that gas prices have dropped, I need to point out that my wife and I recently completed a nearly 5,000 mile road trip - right before gas prices started to drop. We knew that we had power over the real estate market, but we didn't realize we could do the same for gasoline. Our motto has always been "Buy high, sell low!" Tom
Saw $1.48 and then $1.45 at several stations today, but didn't need any gas. The stock market hit a new 5 year low with no bottom in sight. Seems to correlate pretty well.
I am really beginning to wonder what's the whole reason behind this sudden drop of petroleum prices. I mean just 2 months ago, the price of gas is really high, and now the sudden drop. Uhmmm....
$1.59 a gallon this morning in Northern Indiana.... If only home heating would drop proportionately... Expecting 8-12 inches of snow by tomorrow morning.... Les ---
i got gas at Costco on Tuesday. it was $2.079 before my 3% discount...dont see cash back until dont really count it... but still gets me 4.22 cents per mile... that is summer 2005 numbers!!... all time low for my 2006...had a few in the high 3's with my 2004 but that was waay back when i first started this Prius thing over 4 years ago!!
Yes, there is now a snowball effect on the global economy. We're teetering right on the edge of a cliff. It won't take much to fall off now, and if that were to happen, the last thing you'll piss and moan about is if GM gets taxpayer-backed loans Only those who were raised in the Great Depression can understand what is about to happen. The rest of us lived in a Golden Age of Cheap Credit, zero responsibility for our actions, and relatively benign foreign events. Oh well, sometimes a good smack in the face is what we need to get real again
my Dad (a 2007 Pri owner... and yes i talked him into it!!) just arrived yesterday for the holidays from Mission, Texas (about a stones throw from the Rio Grande) and gas was $1.67 a gallon when he left
COSTCO - Temecula, CA (near L.A./SanDiego) @ $1.99 today. Minus the 5% Business Member Rebate = $1.89 NET. This is very wierd... Meanwhile, the DowJones is under 8K. My 401K sucks :Cry:
$2.05 still, here in parts of Marysville, Washington (north of Seattle), yet gas is $1.79 in Kingston, which is 40 miles farther away from our Anacortes refinery site, clear across the sound, requiring the tanker trucks to have either ferried across or to have driven around.... Nice. But hey, that's just how it is in Washington State. Urban areas with high demand pay the higher prices.... If you drive across any of the three closest mountain passes, and hit into rural eastern-washington, then gas drops .30c on average...