So, if they don't have an empty load, the stopping distance would be shorter. This seems counter-intuitive! I think what you meant to say is if they have an empty load the stopping distance will be shorter, which is absolutely correct. But, will it be shorter than mine, since it's a larger vehicle ... I doubt it! Plus, I have an extra 88 ft at 60 mph to account for my reaction time.
Yes that's what I mean but the way he had his sentence written (the one I quoted) and the way I wrote mine, I didn't mean "shorter than ours" I just mean "shorter than you expect" so would "unless" still work as opposed to "if"?
I think my main question has been overlooked. Does anyone know of a way to get the 1 Min Consumption Chart on the NAV screen on a 2011 Prius 4? Along with the HSI on, it would be very helpful when teaching someone how to drive more efficiently. Thanks in advance!
Where can I learn to drive a Prius this efficiently? We are currently looking at 2012 Prius 111 and would like to kno how to get the most mpg!!!
The 2011 Nav system doesn't have a "Car" button. I don't believe there's a way to get any sort of consumption or hybrid related info on the Nav screen.
Here are a couple of videos that are good for learning how to drive efficiently: BTW - what do you mean by a Prius 111?
Yes. It's under the "Info" button. Touch "Fuel Consumption." If it's showing the energy monitor (i.e. the car), touch "Fuel Consumption" again.
That's for 2012. 2010-2011 models didn't have this feature. We only had the 5" MID as the navigation screen was the same unit lifted from other Toyota models. We asked for the Energy Monitor and Consumption Screen to return to the large MFD and looks like Toyota listened =).