I believe you, because, I think you are driving in HV ECO, so you are not using your stored EV miles, but adding to it. Is my guess, correct ? Either way, EV / HV It is a good strategy to save the EV charge until needed. Of course your topography helps tremendously, with the Prius,downhill rolls are always a asset.
I would have guessed EV mode. You can collect extra EV miles with regeneration in EV mode too (as documented by Paradox).
I am still unsure about the read-out of potential EV miles after a full charge. That initial number keeps going down - most recently to 9.7. Previous posts have indicated that the car is using my driving habits to calculate the range. And the mechanic at the dealership says to give it hundreds of more miles before I suspect anything is amiss (I've only put on about 600 miles). However, although the distance I travel varies greatly from day to day, the initial number only goes down. I am a veteran Prius driver - so I know how not to waste energy. Perhaps the initial range is unimportant, and I need to better measure my actual range. But my experience is that most days my driving is within EV range (so I'm on EV all the time). Then every few days I go well beyond that range (combining EV and HV). So my driving has no pattern for the car to analyze. Do you think I should be concerned about the projected range falling into the single digits?
Yes,I agree, but EV does not seem to be as aggressive at regen as HV is plus you will still be using EV charge so the depletion will be a lot compared to a smaller amount of regeneration. Hence: the Casino effect. Now in HV, To reiterate, no EV is used, EV charge is banked and more deposits are made. Like interest. Since HV apparently has a surplus of potential charge. I am speaking now of long trips, reasonable driving. If one works 15 miles away and uses all of the EV charge, that is OK too. Please let me know if I am way off base. I am also trying to figure it out.
Don't know what to suggest there, try a different dealer. I do not concern myself with the initial EV charge number. Mine varies between 10.2 and 12.6. What I like to watch in EV is what total range does that turn into? The other day 10 turned into 25 miles,today it was 26 or 27 miles. I wish I could help you more, it is a mystery .
I think you are saying that your last EV range is finally consumed after 25 to 27 miles even though there was gasoline consumed getting there along the way due to higher speeds, etc., right? You're not actually saying that you drove 25-27 miles entirely in EV on a single charge.
Something VERY interesting happened today. My first day back teaching since owning the PiP. I teach at a campus up on the side of a hill here in SoCal. I charged at work today. Was completely full when I left to go have lunch with colleagues. The car said 13.2 miles of EV when I started it. Driving down the hill the car was regenerating and the car said 14 miles of EV. About midway down the hill, the ICE shockingly turned on!!! Umm.. what? Is the ICE somehow taking some of the energy? I'm confused.
The same thing happens to me every morning. I leave the house with a full charge estimated to take me 10.3 miles. When I get to the bottom of the hill I live on I have an estimated EV range of 11.5 miles. There is not a lot of mystery here. The regen is not charging to a higher capacity than the home charging station. The amount of charge in the battery is not changing. What is changing is the estimate of how many miles that charge will take me. It sure would be nice if we had a display for how many KWH of charge is in the battery. Instead we get a display that estimates how many miles the charge will take you. That introduces lots more variables.
I need to change my vote. My EV driving-ratio has went up and consequently so has my EV range-estimate. I've been seeing 13.1 miles displayed from the past 8 or so recharges.
I see a lot of discussion about the displayed estimate of how many miles you will be able to drive in EV mode. Many people posted these numbers. But I haven't seen anyone post how many miles they have been able to actually drive in EV mode. Who has the record for the longest trip with "999 MPG"?
Actually, a few people have said gas doesnt burn (I guess thats how the Gen III works?). But when it happened to me (before I learned to control it), I'm positive it was burning gas. In fact, it went through the whole warm up. I have Torque logs if anyone is really interested. But as I recall, the first time it happened, when I reviewed the log, the warm up lasted about 5 minutes. I posted about it here and was even able to replicate the same "over regen" condition the next day. I first used Neutral to prevent the ICE from starting. But I have since settled on just late braking to avoid regenerating too much so as to start the ICE. Looking at the logs, I would leave the house with 85.1% SoC. After driving out of the neighborhood, the SoC would get to around 83.1% before I heading downhill. If I wasn't careful, the SoC would reach 84%, at which time the ICE would start. However, I never saw the estimated EV range go beyond what I started with. This is the second time its been reported so I have no doubts it is actually happening though. One other thing, if I leave the house with 85.1% and get down to, say 84.1%, I am able to regen (in my case, I only see like 84.3% or so) without starting the ICE. But this may explain how others are able to see the EV range estimate go up (because it is regenerating beyond the 85.1% (or whatever you started your drive with).
I too would like to see a poll showing actual EV miles compared to estimated miles. I'm now regularly seeing 14.5 estimated, and usually get 15+ with some regen but no ICE. Best ever was 16 miles, but only one time. Interestingly, the actual miles have not increased that much from when I was showing 13.5+, and that is when I got the 16! I don't have the computer savvy to put up a poll, so will rely on those better equipped to do it.
My estimated EV range has now risen to 15 miles. No doubt this is due to my modified use of the EV button: When I must use gas, I warm up the ICE early and use it to accelerate to a cruising speed, then I switch over to EV. This biases my EV miles estimate (which I don't like) but it seems to get me better mpg (which is my primary goal). If I drive on an all EV trip, I must note that I may not get the full EV range estimated because of the bias I introduce on my mixed gas/EV trips
Eat your hearts out! Made it to 20.5 miles. Just thought I would shoot quick while I was at a red light.
The trip would have to begin and end at the same place to be fair (such that there is no down-hill EV gain or any help from the wind). Under those conditions, I once did 17.3 miles (and took a picture of the 'cons 999' display right when I turned the power-off). I've learned a lot since then (and it is much warmer now), so I am confident that I can now do better.